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7/02/2016 2:09 pm  #1

More success stories

I trust loa a lot.  I love reading success stories on all topics  they are just so exhilarating.  However since a day or two I have been  having a bit feeling of resistance.
Can someone post some stories where someone managed to attract their lover (x) who was in relationship with someone else,  back into their life?????

You deserve your desires because they are already yours.

7/02/2016 5:30 pm  #2

Re: More success stories

Have you gone on The Sectets website? They have stories of all kinds there

"Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, if you just believe" -
Believe, Josh Groban
its hard to have a better tomorrowΒ if you're still thinking about yesterday


7/02/2016 8:40 pm  #3

Re: More success stories

Yeah I have but.. I didn't search properly though..

You deserve your desires because they are already yours.
     Thread Starter

7/02/2016 8:45 pm  #4

Re: More success stories

Scarlet Angel wrote:

I trust loa a lot.  I love reading success stories on all topics  they are just so exhilarating.  However since a day or two I have been  having a bit feeling of resistance.
Can someone post some stories where someone managed to attract their lover (x) who was in relationship with someone else,  back into their life?????

I have done this before....TWICE! it's not with my current love however any positive vibes I can help with I will.

A relationship before my love, I met a guy named Brandon. I was at a redskins football game and this super cutie like 5 rows down turned around and I immediately that GOOD LORD HE IS HOT! when he turned back to the game I noticed him nudge his friend, motion his eyes back ward and they both look.

He turns all the way around and I smoked and wave. He blushed...I mean seriously blushes. I stand up and tell him with my eyes to meet me by the stairs and low and behold he does was the best. Fir about a year he and I dated. We were inseparable! And then one day a girlfriend called me to her job and said I think you need to see this yourself. She was a bar tender nights and clearly saw him and his WIFE on a date.

When I got there I went into immediate hysterics. I mean HOW ON EARTH WAS HE MARRIED?!?

I walked out making sure he saw me. And I saw that smile he had quickly sour when we locked eyes.

I avoided EVERY SINGLE attempt he made to contact me for a year! But the entire time the LAW OF ATTRACTION was working.

I saw him at stores, one of my beasties git hired where he worked, he bugged her for info, I kept in my head however I'm such a diamond and I knew it was impossible he could be happy without me. I went on with life knowing he would dram about me. I brought tons to the table and though I was hurting.. I knew he would be too Even with a WIFE.

When I met my love I fell pretty hard but I was too scared to allow him completely in. I know this is sad to say but my relationship with Brandon ALWAYS surfaced in my head until my love.
I just had so much damn fun In that relationship.

About 4 years ago I reactivated my Facebook page...every month for two years he messaged me. They went from apologies, to anger, to missing yous, to just thinking of yous, and finally the THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED story.

It was that he met me during their separation. He thought it was a rebound and was excited she wanted to meet. But when he saw me the thought if losing me became a reality he wasn't ready for. She wound up pregnant and was ready to give birth soon and I felt awful that I was dating a married man with a baby on the way.

But you know I understood his position and ultimately felt terrible that all that time went by and he was still mourning OUR relationship.

I responded I understood and I was thankful I met him and grateful he explained and gave forward to today, he STILL reaches out people. Today he sent me a video on Glide to tell me he was thinking if me and hoped we would run into each other soon.

He us kind, handsome,funny, has everything in the right place if you know what I mean;) but he is MARRIED and still in love wuth me!

Now I want my guy back and as bad as it sounds, Brandon is a way better package but my guy stole my heart.

I hope that helps.

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.

7/03/2016 9:45 am  #5

Re: More success stories

Yes.. Quite interesting...  I want to know more of such stories
But thank you so much

You deserve your desires because they are already yours.
     Thread Starter

7/03/2016 10:00 am  #6

Re: More success stories

Sure. Glad to help.

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.

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