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6/29/2016 8:04 pm  #61

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

You're right. Here we go. I can do this. Damn psychic tripping me up haha

Yes, you can!!!

A King only bows down to his Queen.

6/29/2016 9:03 pm  #62

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Gah she gave me a call again, saying she hates me, wants nothing to do with me, she's uncomfortable even being around me, she doesn't find me attractive at all, she'll never be with me, EVER, the whole thing. The worst part is she means it. She said she doesn't care if I die, she doesn't care that I'm suicidal (I'm not. She just said that though), and she doesn't care if I were to die. She just wants me out of her life. She ended the conversation by saying, if I EVER contact her again (even though she called me... kinda thought maybe it was going to be a good call...), then she'd call the cops on me. She's already not ever going to talk to me, nor think of me again.

Is this a loss? My vibe just went from VERY high, to below anything I could ever imagine. Help would be appreciated....... I want her back...

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6/29/2016 9:14 pm  #63

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Hey man, I know you're having a hard time. And honestly I don't really have any encouragement to give at the moment. But.. How many times are you going to ask the same question?? You can't continue to constantly need reassurance.. Bc if you do, loa is going to keep giving you experiences to make you want reassurance. Why don't you just read the responses that have already been given to you? I only say all this bc, like me, you are in a cycle.. A vicious cycle. And only you can stop it. STOP talking to her. PERIOD. Don't answer if she calls or text for a little while ( and by little while I don't mean minutes or hours, I mean a couple weeks)  you keep saying your gonna do this or that, and then a couple hours later your back on here asking the same questions.  Another thing.. This forum is very very very helpful!! However.. Don't live your life on this forum. You've got to get back to YOUR life with or without her. If she was back with you, would you be on this forum 24/7?? I'm not saying to not come on the forum, but take a break every now and then. Life is going on around you, and this forum is not " doing the work"

Last edited by iinikkii (6/29/2016 9:16 pm)


6/29/2016 9:17 pm  #64

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Hey RR33, tbh I find it hard to believe that a person who truly means that would take the time to call you and drill it in like that. Perhaps she was seeking a reaction since you have switched it up and not contacted her? She's not used to that and maybe she freaked out and wanted reassurance you're still there? Tbh you can attach any meaning you want to it because you create your reality so I suggest you make it mean whatever feels good to you and it will become the truth if you believe. Don't focus your energy on this, it means nothing unless you allow it.

I know it's hard, but remember you Gotta just let this go in one ear and out of the other because your current reality means diddly squat. It's a reflection of your past negative momentum. The positive momentum you've been building these last few days simply hasn't manifested yet into your current reality.. So smile because you've been doing so well and if you continue then you'll have created enough momentum for this phone call to not even make a difference to you getting her back. You can do it! I have faith in you.


6/29/2016 9:36 pm  #65

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

PowerOfLove wrote:

Hey RR33, tbh I find it hard to believe that a person who truly means that would take the time to call you and drill it in like that. Perhaps she was seeking a reaction since you have switched it up and not contacted her? She's not used to that and maybe she freaked out and wanted reassurance you're still there? Tbh you can attach any meaning you want to it because you create your reality so I suggest you make it mean whatever feels good to you and it will become the truth if you believe. Don't focus your energy on this, it means nothing unless you allow it.

I know it's hard, but remember you Gotta just let this go in one ear and out of the other because your current reality means diddly squat. It's a reflection of your past negative momentum. The positive momentum you've been building these last few days simply hasn't manifested yet into your current reality.. So smile because you've been doing so well and if you continue then you'll have created enough momentum for this phone call to not even make a difference to you getting her back. You can do it! I have faith in you.

Well, she called me because I accidentally replied to a snapchat thing from my sister, and accidentally hit the "story" button, and it said, "I might actually do it tonight", referring to something which she took as meΒ killing myself. She knows I'm depressed, so that's why she called. She thought I wasΒ trying to get a rise out of her and make her worried about me

Thank you so much. BOTH OF YOU!!!!
I HAVE to get her back. I have to. And I can. Despite what she or any other ******* psychic says!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by RollingRock33 (6/29/2016 9:40 pm)

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6/29/2016 10:02 pm  #66

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

When I get sad, I like to listen to soothing music, drink more water, sleep more, watch movies that uplift me, go for peaceful walks by the water or in nature, and try writing out my feelings in short stories.

And when I get angry, I love to exercise more, focus on my work, write my stories, and play my favorite violent video games especially so I can release the anger into acceptance and fun.

Take some deep breaths and go back into mindfulness. Focus on what you can do now to feel better. Trust your intuition.

If you're having trouble getting her out of your mind, try meditating on your feelings and just be mindful and observant of how you feel without judgement. Accept your feelings as they come up and you will feel better.

Right now, it seems like you're filled with overwhelming sadness and grief, and this isn't a good place to work with LoA techniques or to even focus on getting her back.

Don't focus on her anymore. Every time you focus on her, you're filled with confusion and frustration and sadness. Don't you see how not only are you making your anxieties worse, but you're also living in slavery to your own fears?Β  Don't you see how you're hurting yourself when you do this?

And don't give me a BS excuse like " I love her and I can't stop thinking about her." Isn't it time that you started loving yourself, healing yourself, enjoying your life for yourself? Isn't it time to become the man you know you can be, the man she was attracted to and loved?

I know you love her, but if you really love her then have some compassion for her. Would you want to be with someone where you feel as if you have to have eyes in the back of your head to make sure they're not talking about depression and suicide just to get your attention, to make you love them? Do you have any idea how creepy and scary that is? Look at it from her POV, of course she's gonna be freaked out if she thinks your playing the suicide card to get her attention.

You could pursue her in your current state of mind and most likely the exact same stuff will happen or get worse.

Until you make the inward shift, nothing in your life will change. It all has to start inside. The only way she can see the new, better you is if you focus less on her and more on you to allow that new, better you to grow.

RR33, it's time to get rough with yourself, it's time to be tough and expect more from yourself.

Are you truly happy to be someone who constantly feels anxiety and fear, who lives in heartache and pain everyday, who never listens to anyone and doesn't grow within? It's your choice, you could stay this way if you want but you will live to regret it and think that maybe you could have been more.

Or you could focus within yourself and really heal the pain inside, make yourself and your life amazing and awesome again and be free. And in this state of being, it's much easier let her come back to you or allow new love in.

So what will it be? Will you keep yourself subjugated to your own anxieties and heartache, or will you free yourself and truly find confidence, wisdom, inner strength, love, healing, and joy from within?

I think the choice is a no-brainer, but you have to be willing to do the work and not give up on yourself.

No more excuses, no more blaming others, no more pointing fingers....If you truly want to believe that you are powerful, it starts with taking responsibility for your own emotions, well-being, and energy. It's up to you. it starts with you changing yourself one thought at a time, one action at a time, reinventing yourself with each moment to be the man you really want to be.

Focus within, find the healing and love within you. That's how you change the world outside, but it's up to you to make the change.


Last edited by Colonel Roosevelt (6/29/2016 10:08 pm)


6/30/2016 3:15 am  #67

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

Gah she gave me a call again, saying she hates me, wants nothing to do with me, she's uncomfortable even being around me, she doesn't find me attractive at all, she'll never be with me, EVER, the whole thing. The worst part is she means it. She said she doesn't care if I die, she doesn't care that I'm suicidal (I'm not. She just said that though), and she doesn't care if I were to die. She just wants me out of her life. She ended the conversation by saying, if I EVER contact her again (even though she called me... kinda thought maybe it was going to be a good call...), then she'd call the cops on me. She's already not ever going to talk to me, nor think of me again.

Is this a loss? My vibe just went from VERY high, to below anything I could ever imagine. Help would be appreciated....... I want her back...

Dude, you are saying it's hopeless all the time. Are you really surprised that that thoughts manifest now? She would say anything just to match your vibration.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

6/30/2016 4:21 am  #68

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

Β I want her back...

I'd NEVER have guessedΒ 

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

6/30/2016 4:25 am  #69

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

Β My vibe just went from VERY high, to below anything I could ever imagine. Help would be appreciated....... I want her back...

Can a vibe REALLY go so up and down like that?Β 

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

6/30/2016 9:23 am  #70

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Was being positive; woke up, she blocked me from everything. Huh. ****.

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