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6/27/2016 9:52 pm  #1

Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

So my vibe is a mix of low/uncaring. Which feels odd. It's like I'm sad, but I'm also just... not focused on it, too. It's weird. It's like if you're drunk, and you just... don't care. I'm not drunk right now, but that's the best way I can explain my vibe right now. I'm sad, but I'm not worrying. it's odd.

Anyway, I'd just like to share some success manifestations from today. You know, to give you all hope (even if I don't have that hope... I keep thinking out and there's gotta be something to this...)

1) Ever since I got my job, I was wanting to hear the song "Dancing in the Moonlight" by Toploader (the remake. Not the original) during my work shift on that day... It's the song that reminds me of my girl (as does Cheerleaderby OMI). I sent the intention out during orientation. Well, I heard cheerleader one day. It made me happy. Okay but here's the real kicker. DitM (using abbreviations because I'm lazy) isn't exactly a common tune. I was surprised after my break up when I heard it in Mexico, during vacation. I knew it was a sign. Anyway, during today's shift, I suddenly hear the first lyrics of the song, "... We get it oooon most every night..." BUT IT WAS THE ORIGINAL VERSION. NOT TOPLOADER. But you know what?! It MUST be a sign. I swear, I was mid-stocking, and I just collapse to the ground, LITERALLY, and just sit in the middle of the freaking isle in shock, while my manager is around the area (Yeaaaah... he wouldn't want to see that... I COULDN'T HELP IT THOUGH!!!). I was so amazed. So I feel like this must be my manifestation in some way!!! - It's not part of the radio that plays (there are the same songs which play over and over, then there are requests. It must've been a request. That song was like... old. The original at least. So who the hell would request it, right?! WOW.)

2) While working today, I thought, randomly, "Huh." and I just thought of a coworker from my old job, wondering where she was at. No more than 2-3 hours later, I turn a corner, while bringing some supplies up to customer service, and I see her walking there. Wow. What the ****? 

I'm sure these can be written off as simple coincidences, but when do coincidences become signs, am I right? This is getting far too uncanny to be simply coincidences.

Anyway, despite my low vibe (and my girl still pissed at me, not talking to me, probably wanting me out of her life for good and apparently never coming back...), this oddly gives me hope. And I hope it gives you all hope as well. 

Maybe she can come back. When I asked for the song to play during orientation, I thought of her, and wanted that to be a sign of us getting back together someday. So who knows! Maybe she will...

But one thing's for sure. I must've been in a receiving vibration. Maybe I'm not sad... just... dulled, emotionally. Eh. It's better than being sad.

Hope this inspires you all (Insert heart emoticon here, in a manly ******* fashion...)


6/28/2016 12:25 am  #2

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Sam wrote:

There's no such thing as a coincidence. Everything is attracted by you.

Thanks SAM! I got this! ;) 

She's not coming back, you know why...? 
... because she already IS BACK IN MY MIND. I'M CREATING IT. I got this. I KNOW I DO

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6/28/2016 10:31 am  #3

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

Sam wrote:

There's no such thing as a coincidence. Everything is attracted by you.

Thanks SAM! I got this! ;) 

She's not coming back, you know why...? 
... because she already IS BACK IN MY MIND. I'M CREATING IT. I got this. I KNOW I DO

someone got the same mindset as me LOL

I literally said the same thing yesterday.
I'm not lonely, cuz technically, he's with me every single day...IN MY HEART MUAHAHAHAHAHA

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe" 

6/28/2016 11:44 am  #4

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

piggy720 wrote:

RollingRock33 wrote:

Sam wrote:

There's no such thing as a coincidence. Everything is attracted by you.

Thanks SAM! I got this! ;) 

She's not coming back, you know why...? 
... because she already IS BACK IN MY MIND. I'M CREATING IT. I got this. I KNOW I DO

someone got the same mindset as me LOL

I literally said the same thing yesterday.
I'm not lonely, cuz technically, he's with me every single day...IN MY HEART MUAHAHAHAHAHA

Love it. 

Thanks for the reminder. 


6/28/2016 12:53 pm  #5

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

Jim Chien Beige wrote:

piggy720 wrote:

RollingRock33 wrote:

Thanks SAM! I got this! ;) 

She's not coming back, you know why...? 
... because she already IS BACK IN MY MIND. I'M CREATING IT. I got this. I KNOW I DO

someone got the same mindset as me LOL

I literally said the same thing yesterday.
I'm not lonely, cuz technically, he's with me every single day...IN MY HEART MUAHAHAHAHAHA

Love it. 

Thanks for the reminder. 

I am glad it helped haha
Just remember,
what you want is actually already happening in reality, this moment, this second already!
keep that mindset 

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe" 

6/28/2016 2:04 pm  #6

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

piggy720 wrote:

Jim Chien Beige wrote:

piggy720 wrote:

someone got the same mindset as me LOL

I literally said the same thing yesterday.
I'm not lonely, cuz technically, he's with me every single day...IN MY HEART MUAHAHAHAHAHA

Love it. 

Thanks for the reminder. 

I am glad it helped haha
Just remember,
what you want is actually already happening in reality, this moment, this second already!
keep that mindset 

Love it!!

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6/28/2016 2:13 pm  #7

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

Sam wrote:

There's no such thing as a coincidence. Everything is attracted by you.

Thanks SAM! I got this! ;) 

She's not coming back, you know why...? 
... because she already IS BACK IN MY MIND. I'M CREATING IT. I got this. I KNOW I DO

That's the spirit!!! ☺


6/28/2016 9:49 pm  #8

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

"Kyle, I'm not going to be in a relationship with you!!!"

Yay. Now what? She seems pretty set on that... But I don't want to give up... What do I do?
Thanks! Trying hard to stay positive and believe that she'll come back, but reality seems to want to push that back a bit.

Last edited by RollingRock33 (6/28/2016 10:03 pm)

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6/28/2016 10:10 pm  #9

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

RollingRock33 wrote:

"Kyle, I'm not going to be in a relationship with you!!!"

Yay. Now what? She seems pretty set on that... But I don't want to give up... What do I do?
Thanks! Trying hard to stay positive and believe that she'll come back, but reality seems to want to push that back a bit.

"Reality" takes a bit long to catch with what exists within. So even though it may seem otherwise, remind yourself that it is already being worked on to align with you.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

6/28/2016 10:11 pm  #10

Re: Some crazzzzzzy "coincidences" ;)

holistichealing wrote:

RollingRock33 wrote:

"Kyle, I'm not going to be in a relationship with you!!!"

Yay. Now what? She seems pretty set on that... But I don't want to give up... What do I do?
Thanks! Trying hard to stay positive and believe that she'll come back, but reality seems to want to push that back a bit.

"Reality" takes a bit long to catch with what exists within. So even though it may seem otherwise, remind yourself that it is already being worked on to align with you.

Even though she tells me, "Dude. There is NO chance!! You need to ******* move on already!!"?

I really hope I can do this... I really do. I want her back.

Last edited by RollingRock33 (6/28/2016 10:14 pm)

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