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6/19/2016 7:06 am  #1

It's a yoga one lol

Right. So I have been practicing yoga far longer than LOA! And I love this Canadian instructor named Eoin Finn. Like LOVE him, he's one of my favourite people in this universe. He runs lots of workshops in Bali etc, but not many in Au. Every year or so I quickly check out his website for new videos or books or vortexy additions to his paraphernalia.

Anywhoo.. Thursday I felt compelled to jump onto his website. And blow me down if it doesn't say he's in AUSTRALIA! On SUNDAY!! Wait, it gets better- in MY TOWN! For a 3 hour workshop. I almost went straight to Heaven. Except then I realised it was a bestie's birthday Sunday. Deal breaker. Never mind, I thought.. It was just fabulous to know that I looked at his site RIGHT when he was coming to my town! I did discuss this with my LOA BFF- was this a partial manifestation? Nah, it was a MAGNIFICENT MANIFESTATION, that would reveal itself in due course lol.

Saturday rolls around. Phone call. The party has been postponed due to horrendous bizarre rainfall forecast! WTF?! Seriously?! I phone the yoga studio and of course they only have one place left. Mine.

I got to HUG my idol!! He even helped me do a handstand!! And he high-fived me! 5 times! Yaaaaaaassss!
And as everyone was staring out at the torrential downpour, I bid farewell to my lovely yogi and went dancing off into the rain, thanking the Heavens for opening up, and creating the perfect manifestation for me! πŸŒˆπŸ’žπŸ’ͺ🏼

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

6/19/2016 7:17 am  #2

Re: It's a yoga one lol

You're such a star!!!

In the end everything will be okay, if it's not okay then it's not the end. In the meantime everyday and in every way I AM better and better.

It's done 😘

6/19/2016 7:57 am  #3

Re: It's a yoga one lol

I love that. Thank you for sharing. Even when I have no doubt that LoA is real anymore it's still thrilling to read or experience something like this.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

6/19/2016 8:06 am  #4

Re: It's a yoga one lol

Omg Cherished this is amazing! <3


6/19/2016 10:10 am  #5

Re: It's a yoga one lol

This is awesome!!!

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter F. Drucker

6/19/2016 11:13 am  #6

Re: It's a yoga one lol

Very cool 😁


6/20/2016 3:48 pm  #7

Re: It's a yoga one lol

Awesome awesome Cherished!


6/27/2016 8:16 pm  #8

Re: It's a yoga one lol

Cherished wrote:

Right. So I have been practicing yoga far longer than LOA! And I love this Canadian instructor named Eoin Finn. Like LOVE him, he's one of my favourite people in this universe. He runs lots of workshops in Bali etc, but not many in Au. Every year or so I quickly check out his website for new videos or books or vortexy additions to his paraphernalia.

Anywhoo.. Thursday I felt compelled to jump onto his website. And blow me down if it doesn't say he's in AUSTRALIA! On SUNDAY!! Wait, it gets better- in MY TOWN! For a 3 hour workshop. I almost went straight to Heaven. Except then I realised it was a bestie's birthday Sunday. Deal breaker. Never mind, I thought.. It was just fabulous to know that I looked at his site RIGHT when he was coming to my town! I did discuss this with my LOA BFF- was this a partial manifestation? Nah, it was a MAGNIFICENT MANIFESTATION, that would reveal itself in due course lol.

Saturday rolls around. Phone call. The party has been postponed due to horrendous bizarre rainfall forecast! WTF?! Seriously?! I phone the yoga studio and of course they only have one place left. Mine.

I got to HUG my idol!! He even helped me do a handstand!! And he high-fived me! 5 times! Yaaaaaaassss!
And as everyone was staring out at the torrential downpour, I bid farewell to my lovely yogi and went dancing off into the rain, thanking the Heavens for opening up, and creating the perfect manifestation for me! πŸŒˆπŸ’žπŸ’ͺ🏼

What a magnificent manifestation story Cherished. I can just feel your energy all the way here,


6/27/2016 9:05 pm  #9

Re: It's a yoga one lol

I just started getting more involved in hot yoga. For me aside from sculpting my body I want to center my mind and connect with my spirit. Also, hot yoga will help release any toxins from the body which I truly need to do.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

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