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6/22/2016 6:55 pm  #1

HE CAME BACK (soon) sorry this will be super long

I am doing this because I KNOW we will be able to get back together!!
(writing a success story makes me feel like he's already back lol I hope you guys don't get mad at me for the false alarm)

Don't you guys hate it when people around you who doesn't believe in LoA, and would always bring you down, telling you that "It's impossible to get him back", "you should just move on", "you shouldn't be too positive like this, you'll only be disappointed"...etc blah blah blah

fact is, I KNOW I already have him, I just need to wait till the universe does its thing : )

Sorry this will be very long, sorry guys!

A little background about me and him. He is a really great looking man, a hairstylist, and gets a lot of attention from girls, very popular, however, he was very very loyal, faithful and would never cheat. He is 26, and I am turning 28 soon. We were in a very happy, loving 3 years relationship. In fact, this is both our longest relationship! We used to always see each other as 'perfect' in each others' eyes. We have perfect chemistry, we are compatible, we share the same sense of humour. His family loves me dearly, all his friends get along with me as well. I knew I was the one for him, and he was the one for me. I just know it.

He broke up with me two months ago (April 19th), with the weirdest, most random reasons ever; stuffs like I want you to find someone to love you and provide things you need, or like oh maybe I don't love you as much (but no literally, even his friends and coworkers say that he had always been talking about me to them happily all the time, even recently before the break up), and stuff like, oh I hate our fights I'm not attracted to that (and he's like we fight like once a month...really? actually it's not even fights, more like discussions...etc), and also like I don't want a relationship anymore, I am happier being alone...etc

Clearly I did not accept these reasons, I know him well enough, I feel like there are other reasons, but I'm like okay can't make him spill the truth, so I'll just kinna have to accept the break up. I tried pleading and crying (bad move, now I've learned) on the first night and next day, then kinna just stopped and got back onto my feet right away.

However, I do know that I have attracted the break up because I had a lot of uncertainty and doubts about our relationship back then. I would think like I'm not good enough for him, I'm not pretty enough to match him, or like maybe we won't have a future because he's not thinking about settling down...etc

5 days after break up, I asked him out to meet up for a dinner (initially wanting a 'closure') but I decided that I shouldn't talk about the relationship, I really just genuinely wanna spend a happy time with him, and we DID : ) it almost felt like we were still together, we were having our inside jokes, happily laughing the whole time. It felt so great that at the end, he even said to me "Let's have dinner again next time!"
Did it happen? nope...
But the fact that he said that, I KNEW that our break up really has nothing to do with our compatibility. I know our personalities were perfect fit, and we genuinely are happy with each other's existence and company. I really missed that.

We had our 'closure' talk on the phone on May 9th, and even then he said he doesn't hate me, he said we're on good terms, but he didn't want me to find him (or his family) again, told me to move on, told me to find other guys. I was heart broken and felt like this is hopeless...

I decided to work on self-improvement. I worked out, exercise, hung out with friends more, spend more time with family...etc pretty much just keeping myself busy and happy (and this was even before I rediscovered LoA). I've learned about LoA for the first time maybe 8 years ago, but I was too young to really understand the true meaning back then, until I don't know why I suddenly thought about LoA all of a sudden (it's like a click in my brain) then I went to google LoA getting an ex back or something, and reread about it, and this time, everything made so much MORE sense, and I started becoming so positive, so happy, so confident in myself. Everything feels great now. I felt so peaceful and relaxed, and the more I practice LoA, the more confident I am that WE WILL BE BACK TOGETHER. NO DOUBT.

Our closest friends were these other four friends who were two couples. Us 6 used to always hang out as 3 pairs.
The closer pair (two friends that got together around the same time as me and him), asked him out for dinner few days after we broke up, our friend said to him "You do know that after you break up with her, you will NOT be able to find anyone as patient as her to tolerate your shi* you know." and he said "I know.........well if that's the case I rather be single then." 

As time goes on, I still tried to look for the 'real reason'. I heard that he was already flirting with new girls, going out on dates with several girls (not just one), I knew for a fact that those were just distractions and rebounds, but you know, still kinna hurt. Then I started thinking "oh maybe he broke up because he wanted to experience the new and freshness again? Maybe our relationship was stale? Maybe he missed flirting with new girls and liked that attention again?"

Then after a while, I also started thinking, "oh maybe the real reason is because, he's at the age trying to figure himself out right now? 25-26 for a guy is usually very crucial as they're going through quarter-life crisis, trying to figure out career and future and stuff, that might be stressful too so the easiest thing to push away was probably relationship?"

Recently, I also thought back about how sexless our relationship was because he kept telling me he's not interested (even though the first two months were totally normal though)...we've had fights regarding that same thing over and over again, less now though, it made me feel very insecure, but he'll always reassure me and tell me that I'm perfect in his eyes, and that he loves me very much, and it has nothing to do with me. Then I'm thinking...BAM, it must be because he is suffering from erectile dysfunction...(I looked through some researches and it seems like this will cause depression and anxiety too, also hurting a man's pride as it's shameful).

anyways, I actually did 30 days no contact after that "closure" phone talk that we had on May 9th, after that I initiated a text but he didn't reply. Then I'm just like oh well...I'll just continue working on myself. Fact is, I'm already enjoying my life, and also lost good weight, my self confidence is making me SHINE even, I could tell the difference as I'm walking out on the street, and getting the attention from males...anyways not important.

I want to thank LoA because it really changed me COMPLETELY right now. I talk to the universe (like out loud even) and saying gratitude thoughts a few times a day. I thank everything about my life, and I would say "I am grateful I am once again alive today." "I am grateful for my friends and family, my job, my car, my pet", "I am grateful for my loving boyfriend, my soulmate", "I am grateful for our positive and happy relationship"...etc
Trying to make everything in the present tense too.

I also meditate every night with my eyes closed, and would practice sending heart energy and love to him. 

Also made vision board with all our pictures and things I wanna do / places I wanna go with him...etc

One thing that I am also doing since the first day we broke up is (this is the best part),
I actually went and bought a new diary. You know how when you're in a long term relationship, you guys would always update each other on everyday lives, sharing inside jokes and stuff? Now that we're apart, we wouldn't be able to do that anymore. So in this diary that I write in every single day, I write things that happened each day, our inside jokes, our happy memories, all my feelings included, things that I wanted to tell him. It's written like,
Day 1 - April 20, 2016
Day 2 - April 21, 2016...etc

Even till this day, I still have been writing in it everyday. I know I'll give it to him one day, just don't know when is the right timing...

On a side note, I think I'm doing pretty well with eliminating negative emotions. Even if I know he's seeing new girls, I have like no jealousy inside myself even. I just feel so confident in myself, and I KNOW I'm the one who knows him the best, I know I'm the person who could love him the most. None of the girls are even close to my level, none of them are even qualified to become a rival even : ) I'll just let him realize the grass is not greener on the other side. Right now, I'll just need to focus on myself to be happy, be an even more amazing, more independent and happy person!

I actually don't even check his social media like facebook or instagram at ALL. At first I kinna had to force my fingers not to click in there, but now I don't even care. I feel like, no matter what he does right now, it doesn't matter to me. We have no control in what others are doing, we only have control in one thing, and that's ourselves. We should focus on our mindset and how we are manifesting the positive energy, and I KNOW this will work. I don't need to see anything that 'possibly' will influence my positive mindset.

I'm sure everyone experienced this know how we just can't be positive 24/7 lol so whenever my negative emotions are taking over, I'll quickly tell myself "Breath, Have Faith, Believe." 

I even put a picture of us in my car (on the sun blocking thing on the top), and I talk to the picture like I'm talking to him. All I think about are happy and sweet things, and it made me feel like "I am happy just by loving him and sending out these love". 

I don't even feel lonely at all after breaking up, because technically he is still with me every single day, in my heart : ) 

okay thank you for listening guys. sorry for posting this in Success Story even though it's not technically success yet...BUT IT WILL! I KNOW IT WILL.

Like what Veronica says, nothing is impossible, there is no hopeless situation.
I will not give up, I have faith, and I believe : ) 

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe" 

6/22/2016 7:57 pm  #2

Re: HE CAME BACK (soon) sorry this will be super long

You sure made other progress though with self confidence and all these wonderful methods you are using. I see potential in what you are doing, keep up the great work.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

6/23/2016 10:03 am  #3

Re: HE CAME BACK (soon) sorry this will be super long

holistichealing wrote:

You sure made other progress though with self confidence and all these wonderful methods you are using. I see potential in what you are doing, keep up the great work.

Thank you so so so so so so much.
First reply always made me very excited and nervous at the same time.
Your words gave me so much encouragement  It really means a lot to me!!!

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe" 
     Thread Starter

6/27/2016 5:50 am  #4

Re: HE CAME BACK (soon) sorry this will be super long

Hang in there, girl. I'm going through a similar situation with my boyfriend of 3 years. I actually found out that he was going to propose to me on a vacation we were supposed to go on in 2 weeks but got cold feet seemingly out of nowhere (literally was kissing me and talking about being my husband ten minutes before he dropped the bomb on me). I too realized that my mindset was not good when it happened and that I was fearing things instead of being happy. I too found LOA two years ago but didn't fully grasp it. You just have to know that if you want it to happen, it will. A one thing I would remember is to not put a time stamp on when the relationship ended and how long you have gone with no contact etc. it just puts emphasis on the fact that you are not together currently. I am so proud of you though! Keep your chin up on the bad days and smile at the world. start trying to manifest little things. The other day I manifested seeing a humming bird as well as finding something I thought I had lost. When you manifest little things, it makes you realize how powerful you truly are!


6/27/2016 5:00 pm  #5

Re: HE CAME BACK (soon) sorry this will be super long

Dcb1132 wrote:

Hang in there, girl. I'm going through a similar situation with my boyfriend of 3 years. I actually found out that he was going to propose to me on a vacation we were supposed to go on in 2 weeks but got cold feet seemingly out of nowhere (literally was kissing me and talking about being my husband ten minutes before he dropped the bomb on me). I too realized that my mindset was not good when it happened and that I was fearing things instead of being happy. I too found LOA two years ago but didn't fully grasp it. You just have to know that if you want it to happen, it will. A one thing I would remember is to not put a time stamp on when the relationship ended and how long you have gone with no contact etc. it just puts emphasis on the fact that you are not together currently. I am so proud of you though! Keep your chin up on the bad days and smile at the world. start trying to manifest little things. The other day I manifested seeing a humming bird as well as finding something I thought I had lost. When you manifest little things, it makes you realize how powerful you truly are!

awwwwwww you're so wonderful!
First of all, thank you so much for reading through my super long post lol (I know I know...)

but wow what a coincident! 3 years too eh? and wow a proposal...that's HUGE.
Sorry, but there's no way this is a break up to me  definitely just a temporary break. I can see it.

Thank you so so much again, you're right I should stop talking about time stamps.
I'm doing a lot better now though after hanging out on this forum lol I've learned a lot!

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe" 
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6/27/2016 9:53 pm  #6

Re: HE CAME BACK (soon) sorry this will be super long

Yes, this forum is super helpful. Whenever I start getting really down, I just listen to one of Veronica's videos while I clean or do some yoga or I read some of the posts on here. It helps calm my nerves and refocuses my mind.

Sending good vibes your way! Keep up the good work. We will be posting success stories in no time. ❤️ 😊


6/27/2016 11:30 pm  #7

Re: HE CAME BACK (soon) sorry this will be super long

Dcb1132 wrote:

Yes, this forum is super helpful. Whenever I start getting really down, I just listen to one of Veronica's videos while I clean or do some yoga or I read some of the posts on here. It helps calm my nerves and refocuses my mind.

Sending good vibes your way! Keep up the good work. We will be posting success stories in no time. ❤️ 😊

awww thank you Dcb1132 for such kind words 
and also, sorry for the long post haha

Veronica's videos really helped a lot indeed!!
thank you again, and I'm also sending positive energy your way <33333

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe" 
     Thread Starter

7/03/2016 6:26 am  #8

Re: HE CAME BACK (soon) sorry this will be super long

This is a lovely post. Such an amazing way to put your thoughts. I am also doing the same thing since last month, I maintain a diary and write about our daily chats! We were connected all through and till date I wish him good morning and wish him Gn before going to sleep. I write my things in the diary and want to show it to him when he comes back. 

I believe in parallel universe and read somewhere which says, that you are existing exactly the way you want in another universe. I have started believing anything and everything now ...lolzzzzzzzzzz

Your story is becoming a reality soon!!! Trust me 


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