Hi there,
You know, as I read the threads on this forum and other places I go for inspiration, I notice a trend when people are successful and when they're not. One of the main mistakes we do is to think that there is a technique, a step by step plan to achieve what we so desire - but if you look at success stories : there really isn't a step by step plan, if anything everyone has their own strategy - but they all experience a shift.
Everyone gets there through different paths but the essence of it is really the same : we're head over heels with our objects of affection to the point that they become this ideal, this untouchable dream that we feel is some times unreachable or that we need to be at an impossible level of perfection for a dash of their attention - kind of like groupies in front of their favorite superstar.
And so when we notice they don't give us attention, affection, validation, we feel inadequate - based on that one person's action we define our entire self worth as people and question our life, our balance ou entire self. That's just crazy!!!
people who succeed are people who don't worry about whether or not he or she will _______ fill in the blank with whatever you worry about. They don't wonder if they're ______ enough, it doesn't matter, if anything it's implied. It's not why would they feel this way about me, what if they ,set someone more _________ fill in with whatever today's insecurity is... Success stories are based on : why the hell not ?
The shift I noticed is regardless if people choose to let go, or visualize 3 hours a day, or send heart energy or repeat affirmations : bottom line is their current opinion, state of affairs, history doesn't matter.... At no point does it come into play.
I spent a lot of time thinking well he's really good looking, and he's funny, fit, successful surrounded by all these beautiful girls and I barely ever see him anymore ... Why would he even consider me ...
I had somehow convinced myself he was 'better' than me based on nothing but my insecurities which by definition means my conclusions were flawed and tainted ...
Utter bullshit!,,,
I'm actually a great catch - you will notice I asked a few times on here to people who were goi g through doubt : would you date yourself ? Well ... In my case I would - sure I'm not perfect but ... I'm fun, kind, ambitious and trustworthy. I'm a super awesome girlfriend with whom you can be yourself, I support his career because I understand the concept of giving all you've got for something you want to achieve. I'm loving, I'm solid, I have a super sexy voice and I'm pretty hot - in reality I don't actually see why he wouldn't .. Unless he's mentally slow and unable to make conscious decisions that are good for him in which case I should be questioning why I even considered him a potential in the first place not whether I'm good enough.
I'm full of love and have more than enough to give. I don't care what he's thinking, who he's with, what he's doing - whatever happens I know I'm worth all the love in the world and he is the luckiest man on this entire planet because I chose to love him even when consensus said he maybe didn't deserve it. My mistake was not loving myself with the same conviction and giving myself a break for not reaching my self imposed impossible standards.
So, if you're looking for the solution to all manifestation that is what you should reach for : the shift - the moment where it doesn't matter anymore because you put them off that pedestal and you realize that the lucky one is them ...
Here's something to help you remember :
tell us what makes them so lucky to have you in their life ? Why the super star in this relationship is really you and so whether they get with the program or not you're still the best thing that could ever happen to them.
And pledge that you will be kind to yourself and stop judging your worth based on what others ( including them ) think, say or do and that you won't drive yourself crazy trying to find the perfect plan to make them want you, rather will work on being your best and awesome self because You deserve all the love in the world and understand that first, it has to start with you - so they will not be responsible for your life and happiness but desperately want to join the party that is your life because it looks like it might the best thing they ever had
Last edited by Inloveandsohappytogether (6/18/2016 6:17 pm)
Awesome thread!
wolf wrote:
I love the concept of this.
So I'm the star in the relationship because I'm so freeing to be with, I do not tell her she needs to make choices between different things, all of which she wants, like others do, because I KNOW she can have both, so I'm hella supportive, really cannot see why she wouldn't want THAT. Seriously. And I am somebody who does not need her to change anything about the way she is, I'm still joyful regardless of whatever, and her senses would really have to be not working if she wasn't able to feel how chill it is to be around me.
I know all of her favourite things off the top of my mind as well as things she doesn't enjoy, I have great memory here and it is very attractive when somebody remembers such little details about you.
I'm an uplifter, I do not focus on the "problem", I'm always solution-oriented. I am the one saying just watch how everything will work out just fine when everybody is telling her that her wishes can't be or as if there were any limitations on her path. Because I KNOW no such thing as a limitation. I mean, how could you not love it when your partner is always always always there to support and even lift you up when you are down. Would you really want somebody who gets down on the ground saying everything is doomed? No! That is so unattractive.
I am so independent and confident in myself, she'd have to be blind not to notice this. She is often the same way herself and what more could you ask for than somebody who gets it?
I am so appreciative of her and everything around her, her family, her pet, her friends, all she does, even the way her room looks, the plants she has (oh how I love adoring those plants of hers), wouldn't one just love to witness this endlessly how their partner is so positively tuned in to everything about them while still remaining their own person? I can't think of anything more attractive.
And the things she likes, the love she has for nature, I have as well. I am the one going outside with her when it is raining because that is so fun and exploring forests and whatever else because why not, it is lovely.
When I enter the room, it is as if calmness and joy herself just walked in. Wouldn't she just love to cuddle up to me feeling warm and safe? Well, I know for a fact she really really really would love this as feeling protected, safe, secure has always been something very important to her.
So, to not notice all of this would simply be such a miss on her part.
As a woman I can say wolf, you're an amazing catch and you sound like the ideal partner for her. I really don't see how she could miss that ... It's not actually possible that she isn't seeing it.
So really, sit back relax because this is so done my friend ! SO DONE!
Last edited by Inloveandsohappytogether (6/18/2016 6:44 pm)
Hey, to me "the shift" is where you get to the point of just knowing your desire is on its way. You are loving life with or without your desire. You do not even recognize that they are not with you right now. Just just know its going to happen. You have let go of all the worries and fears, and the how and when it will happen. Its just going to happen.Β
justme wrote:
Hey, to me "the shift" is where you get to the point of just knowing your desire is on its way. You are loving life with or without your desire. You do not even recognize that they are not with you right now. Just just know its going to happen. You have let go of all the worries and fears, and the how and when it will happen. Its just going to happen.Β
I absolutely agree - at the same time you know it's going to happen, you're not bothered if it doesn't ... because sometimes we want to hold on so much to the fact that it has to happen that we start building resistance. The shift of not being bothered whether they're here or not boils down to the confidence I mention, of course it's going to happen... duh, you're the bees knees' - why the hell not? Β
Do you believe in reality shifting? So all possibilities exist right now. And we are all pure positive energy, with our minds being the computer that basically hits the command button. The function is basic- you think, you feel, you create, you experience. That's all there is to it. So if you want to jump to a new reality, you simply have to BE that new reality. You have to really convincingly vibrate those qualities you wish to see both in yourself and others. You don't even need to wait for the "shift" to occur, you choose to be different and you literally ARE different. People don't do this so well, because they are totally stuck looking at what is. But what is.. is old news. You can't be staring in the mirror expecting to go from grumpy to fabulous. You can stare all day long, but unless YOU make the first move, the person reflecting back to you will still be grumpy. You have to jump in first and crack the smile. The moment you do that, your whole reality is changing.
Be what you wish to be. Jump right into that reality. And if you can hold it steady there for just a whole, the universe will reflect back the change.
For me, it was when I said "screw it, I'm awesome and I love me".
That mindset completely changed everything for me.
Last edited by Craigd88 (6/19/2016 5:23 am)
Cherished wrote:
Do you believe in reality shifting? So all possibilities exist right now. And we are all pure positive energy, with our minds being the computer that basically hits the command button. The function is basic- you think, you feel, you create, you experience. That's all there is to it. So if you want to jump to a new reality, you simply have to BE that new reality. You have to really convincingly vibrate those qualities you wish to see both in yourself and others. You don't even need to wait for the "shift" to occur, you choose to be different and you literally ARE different. People don't do this so well, because they are totally stuck looking at what is. But what is.. is old news. You can't be staring in the mirror expecting to go from grumpy to fabulous. You can stare all day long, but unless YOU make the first move, the person reflecting back to you will still be grumpy. You have to jump in first and crack the smile. The moment you do that, your whole reality is changing.
Be what you wish to be. Jump right into that reality. And if you can hold it steady there for just a whole, the universe will reflect back the change.
Aaaah what you're saying is don't wait for the shift to happen rather be the shift before it manifests. Which makes complete sense. But there is still something in your head that changes first : what you believe, how you feel -Β
Because right now i can repeat something until I am blue in the face, if my belief system doesn't buy it, it won't work. i find a lot of people struggle ( myself included) to get to that place you speak of where you choose to be different and BELIEVE what you're choosing.Β
I am guessing that's where all the exercises of visualizing, affirming, projecting come in. Because if you believe more in your previous reality, now matter how much you choose to shift, you will keep reverting to the other one.
My head hurts... quantum is no joke -_- ....... *_*
Inloveandsohappytogether wrote:
Cherished wrote:
Do you believe in reality shifting? So all possibilities exist right now. And we are all pure positive energy, with our minds being the computer that basically hits the command button. The function is basic- you think, you feel, you create, you experience. That's all there is to it. So if you want to jump to a new reality, you simply have to BE that new reality. You have to really convincingly vibrate those qualities you wish to see both in yourself and others. You don't even need to wait for the "shift" to occur, you choose to be different and you literally ARE different. People don't do this so well, because they are totally stuck looking at what is. But what is.. is old news. You can't be staring in the mirror expecting to go from grumpy to fabulous. You can stare all day long, but unless YOU make the first move, the person reflecting back to you will still be grumpy. You have to jump in first and crack the smile. The moment you do that, your whole reality is changing.
Be what you wish to be. Jump right into that reality. And if you can hold it steady there for just a whole, the universe will reflect back the change.Aaaah what you're saying is don't wait for the shift to happen rather be the shift before it manifests. Which makes complete sense. But there is still something in your head that changes first : what you believe, how you feel -Β
Because right now i can repeat something until I am blue in the face, if my belief system doesn't buy it, it won't work. i find a lot of people struggle ( myself included) to get to that place you speak of where you choose to be different and BELIEVE what you're choosing.Β
I am guessing that's where all the exercises of visualizing, affirming, projecting come in. Because if you believe more in your previous reality, now matter how much you choose to shift, you will keep reverting to the other one.
My head hurts... quantum is no joke -_- ....... *_*
Thats where practice really helps. Thats why I encourage people to do experiments on topics that are easier to allow. You teach yourself the ropes by starting small, and as you gain confidence you automatically bypass doubt and worry and go straight to hope then belief then knowing! E Squared- awesome practice book for proving that this all works exactly as people say. Because it DOES, you just need to put your powers into practice.