This is a great video, thank you Veronica.Β I'm a little bit farther on that the initial stages and we're seeing each other fairly regularly but I always allow hime to contact me first, usually through facebook.Β He's making a lot of positive changes in his life and I'm also nurturing myself and feeling good.Β It's very true that you have to give each other the space to grow and to get in touch with themselves again.Β Also when you feel happy, that is also when people feel they want to go and be with the ones they love because they have more energy to give/share.Β So, it's a great idea to just let go and enjoy your life and let them enjoy theirs and be in the receptive mode for when they make contact.Β I love how all of this works, its fascinating.Β I had just been doing a visualisation lastnight and within 5 minutes, he messaged me just asking how I was doing.Β It's all very exciting.Β I always leave it to him to send the first message ie initiate contact.Β I think he needed time to catch up with friends and he's exercising and taking better care of himself.Β He really is becoming a better man.Β And I'm feeling great too and doing things for myself, treating myself, buying new clothes, getting my hair done/coloured etc.Β And I'm loving how just going about my day doing what I want to do and enjoy is making me glow even more so that when I see him, I have all of this positive energy to share with him and we've been having such a good time when we do see each other.Β Thanks again!!!