Hi all of you ,
I have been a secret lurker for a while and enjoy reading success stories , old stories, back stories - all the stories.
Even the Debbie downer ones all have a valid incentive in offering perspective.
Now, my story concerns a specific person - without going too much into negative nancy details I will try to be concise : manifested the perfect man, he was totally interested in me I was interested in him - spoke for hours , got along great and then I started overthinking and assuming that some of the things he did was because he didn't really like me.
And because I'm a master manifestor I created magic and his behavior changed, it became aloof, unsettled - I started really panicking and then it spread out to everything : my job, my health, my finances, my friendships and of course him.
Before we could experience the beautiful relationship we had vibrationally created I had stabbed it with a lack of faith and insecurity- spent the rest of the year trying - I repeat trying to get back to where it was before it wasn't .. Failed.
This whole time though I worked on myself, my belief, my insecurities - I'm better but still not quite there.
However I realize I created the heartless monster mask I gave him to wear and then hated him for how accurate his rendition was. Now I remember - the man I met, the man I know he is and the one I portrayed him to be because i was scared - now we don't see each other as much anymore but when I see him ( because he moved in my building - 7 floors down ... Yep I'm that good a manifestor ! ) I see things I never noticed were there : like the way he stands awkwardly readjusting his shirt when he sees me, the little smirk on his face when he looks at me or the big smile he puts on as I walk towards him- I wondered if it had always been there and how I hadn't seen it ...
Veronica once warned me while I was having a downer that meeting someone else would just recreate the same situation - she was right , it did .. She also said if you don't work to manifest this one you'll never know you can manifest him and then pick someone else if down the line you change your mind but this one is your opportunity to find out how magical things can really be.
And so here I am - attempt 3567 but this time is different because attachment to the outcome : 0.
I just want to see for myself .. Is it that simple ? Can I just create it undo what I did to redo it as I wanted it done in the first place ?
I guess what I'm saying is day 1 of my (minimum ) 25 day challenge - my strategy ? Neville Goddard the hell out of this sitch'
Wish me luck
Ending day 1 on my end of the planet and I have to say interesting I see omens everywhere and bumped into on of his roommates in the building... 5 minutes later his other roommate messages me to check on me and ask what I have been up to. I didn't realize that they basically all report to each other like that it's kind of flattering
I shared a big news with his friend so I wouldn't be surprised to hear from him soon to double check the info.
In the meantime I'm realizing other things in my life and the common ground : when I feel unhappy for any reason it feels so powerless ... It's not enjoyable and I refuse to go down that road any longer.
So I did have a few negative thoughts at times but I also realize it is what it is and I don't care to entertain them because I have the power to change it - beautiful story of the day : it all happened so easily on the secret stories page ( I would share the link but the forum won't let me for lack of posts )
What I love about this story is her genuine detachment, she visualized and fantasizes without expecting it to materialize but just because it made her feel good.. That is what I intend to be working on this week - thinking feeling visualizing and focusing on just the feel good factor.
Exciting times!!! Day 1 over
Here's the link
Oh thank you PixelPie It's interesting because the moment you make a decision you have all this stuff come up that wants to tip you over - but this time I won't falter because I have done the same thing over and over again only to have the same result as before (obviously).
Last night before sleeping I felt it real, while laying there I was imagining our conversations, hanging out in his flat, meeting up with his friend - one thing I found super easy was is picturing the kisses - you know how you can see part of someone's face while it happens, the shape of his head, the softness of his lips - it tripped me up because it actually happened, maybe not on this plane just yet but it actually happened.
It's the only time I get to sit and visualize (at night before sleeping), though my mind wanders off quite a lot I aim to refocus.
Day 2, I woke up with a bit of nervousness in my stomach (it's the job, I don't enjoy it but it will be over soon so I'm staying on the grind) - it affects my mojo a little but I'm repeating to myself that it's old stuff, results of old events and old beliefs, it's who I was no longer who I am. So I EFT clear it up, and repeat to myself that it's old news. What I feel now is old news -
As Neville says :
In spite of all things round about you that deny it, you walk as though your wish were true. And in a way that you do not know, it will externalize itself within your world and you will actually receive it.
So day 2 was quite interesting. I had a bit of a downer in the afternoon and I have an automatic solution that works everytime: I take a nap.
What I find interesting about this experience is that I'm aware of the thoughts i harbor. Even more than usual. At what dawned on me was that most of the limiting beliefs i have are directly linked to my self esteem. Not him, what he might feel, think or do - me and basically whether I'm good enough.
They're not slit your wrists type thoughts though I Have learned that I can just watch them and let them go. And it showed on my day ; it was great!
Despite these thoughts I connected with friends, had laughs and socialized feeling great about myself. I surrounded myself with people who I know enjoy me and my company and declined the invitation of people who had shown they were not very good friends to me at this time.
Also, I got to read a lot of contrast on the forum and tried to participate - there is something deeply therapeutic about witnessing someone's contrast . A lot of times they're dealing with similar thoughts then you but at an extreme level. My responses to them allow me to know where I stand in my emotional scale - if I'm triggered I know bits of it I probably relate to and also feel...
So I think day 2 was really successful. What I'm Enjoying the most is the detachment - I have little moments of what if he's with someone else or what if it doesn't happen like ever ... Well I'll live. Truth is stranger than fiction and I have seen more complicated situations turn around.
But I also know when I m thinking that way it's me being insecure and putting him on a pedestal : what if he doesn't choose me is what I'm really saying. And then I remember he already has. I'm the one who is going back and forth about it and I just need to pick and stick to it regardless of how long it might seem to take.
Also interesting : ex came out of nowhere : apparently he reaaaallly wants to see me π
Day 2 - over and out
This is a really great thread, well done π
Thank you Cherished I'm trying to follow your footsteps.
Day 3 was weird - there is a duality that I think represents beautifully what is happening inside of me. I had a good day : worked out, went shopping for an event, got all dressed up and went to meet friends. i found myself in a weird position where I realized I had been somewhat betrayed by people I once cared about, but at the same time was with a fun loving crowd. I also manifested a business class ticket to my upcoming vacation and a free dinner in a fancy hotel.... Though I do that often they don't elate me as they used to but I'm still happy ...
It was a weird place I'll admit but at the same time, when I went for dinner with another friend, she reminded me of who I am and why I don't need to be pursuing anyone or even sit and wonder about how anyone feels.
It dawned on me that I find myself in this situation often. Which means there is a belief in me that expects that behavior. At the same time, I've decided instead of trying to work on it to fix it, I will accept it as a part of who I am and acknowledge it for what it is - an old belief.
I manifest omens everywhere I go that lead me to believe he is at least thinking of me, but I'm aware that I'm not flying as high as I need to or could - not that I feel bad or anything , just a bit blah... Which is also a good place to manifest I think Because of the detachment.
My biggest take away in the past 3 days in the awareness of what I think of myself and the things that worry me again not in a slit your wrist kind of way but more like 'this is interesting'.
I feel like a plane about to take off - taxiing on the Tarmac preparing for lift off : it's slow but it's steady and it knows where it's going. The good thing in all this is I don't think or obsess about him at all - that's a nice place to be at
Day 3 - Donezo
Story of the day
I really like this story because it shows what happens when reality seems a certain way but you refuse to abide by it and stay grounded on what you choose to believe. Some might call it delusion I call it unwavering faith --- working on it
Woops, skipped my Day 4 report - I am ongoing in my discovery to self, weird thoughts and emotions that come up randomly. I don't get too carried away rather just watch them and not obsess too much about them. I am taking as much advice as I can and working to keep it at 1 thing only : stay happy.
What's interesting is that last night I had a dream. Now I have had dreams about my Favorite Human that I want babies with (FH for close friends ) before but they were usually more geared towards pointing out my fears and figuring how to process them.
Last night though, I was driving and apparently stating over and over again that I... more like IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AM _____'s girlfriend .... over and over and over again - and I felt it and I meant it and it actually was legit.I think, I THINK my subconscious fiiiiiiinnnnaaaaallllyyyyyy (1 year later) got on board... like stopped rejecting the idea or covering it with its-the-end-of-my-world it's-such-a-catastrophy-i-want-to-die scenarios
Today i was inspired to read and search and remembered a mantra said to attract love if you repeat it and write 108 times - if you picture your FH (as in your relationship together) it can manifest it.So I did my homework.
I feel like my heart Chakra is so wide open it's unbelievable (and making me kind of dizzy) ... what's interesting though , like really interesting is that i am also thinking that as much as I would love us to become my favorite couple Inloveansohappytogether (he he he) or FCI - It's okay if we don't. it wouldn't feel great but you know what i'd be fine either way.
I think something's about to happen...can y'all feel that?
Last edited by Inloveandsohappytogether (6/20/2016 5:47 am)
Not the best day - just walked out and saw him with his girlfriend ... Yeah .. Doesn't feel great somehow though doesn't feel devastating either ... It's so weird ! B
What is the mantra you are using?