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6/08/2016 4:06 pm  #1

BIG manifestation on my financial status!!!

I just want to share that when I am in a high vibe life everyday. Things start going so so so well beyond expectation!!!!!!
My business got some problems months ago, and broke up with my guy, and you know all the crappy things happened at once when you unknowingly attracted them with your low vibe.
And today I got some big big good news! My home loan got transferred to a new company!!! which means I dont have to make monthly payments at least 1 month or so!! If you guys ever own a house you know it really makes a big difference for financial ease! And I have only started LOA gratitude for 2 weeks! OMG I really cant express how I am thankful right now!!!Β 


6/08/2016 4:12 pm  #2

Re: BIG manifestation on my financial status!!!

That's great! 😊


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