Ive had really amazing experiences with dream telepathy. Sometimes I pick up on peoples secret thoughts about a situation in my dream, sometimes I've got messages from newly deceased relatives and I have got messages from my friends who are worried about something. Two nights ago I did RS on my ex and went to sleep while doing it to theta, I got a dream where he told me that he has been missing me more than he should but is also unable to leave this other girl, in the dream he wanted to kiss me too and I told him no. It was so weird, the message was clear but wasn't what I would have liked to have heard which makes me believe that it was his subconscious communicating with mine while we slept. I hear its best to send a message when they are asleep so they have no resistance to receiving it
Would you guys consider Lanie's methods as the same as telepathy?
whosurdaddy wrote:
Would you guys consider Lanie's methods as the same as telepathy?
I think it is!