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5/30/2016 7:46 pm  #1

Manifested the Wrong One

I was just remembering a high school crush and his mom. I was remembering how much his mom adored me and was thinking a lot about them. Recently I noticed he posted a picture of his mom which I liked and I thought it would be nice to run into them.

Today while walking the dog I saw them drive past me and his mom waved at me. I thought this is all pretty cool stuff.


5/30/2016 8:04 pm  #2

Re: Manifested the Wrong One

Another thing I will say was that I was visualizing my wedding reception. I'm Indian so I did have a picture in my head of the lengha I wanted to wear (it's an Indian dress). Anyways I know exactly what I wanted. I saw on Instagram another girl posted a picture of a similar looking dress. I'm so mind blown. Now I'm just getting so excited about the journey I have about getting my ex back. This break up was probably one of the best things to have ever happened to me because I've learned so much about myself and my needs I'm a relationship. Now it just needs to manifest and it will in some time.

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5/30/2016 10:31 pm  #3

Re: Manifested the Wrong One

mugginess wrote:

This break up was probably one of the best things to have ever happened to me because I've learned so much about myself and my needs I'm a relationship. Now it just needs to manifest and it will in some time.

Man you couldn't have said that any better; yes we all may have gotten hurt but now we have learned how to love ourselves before we love others and realize that our happiness depends on us and we cannot depend our happiness others!!!Β 


5/31/2016 1:38 am  #4

Re: Manifested the Wrong One

Oh wow Mugginess... u from india??? Me too...yayyy...😘


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