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I had the inspiration to write this just after I stumbled upon on an article written about psychic connection. I was just reading this for myself, nothing to do with my person, when something in it literally jumped out at me. It went something like- you can have a psychic connection with anyone you had a deep bond with or didn't even have a deep bond with but it can backfire. And then it said an example that was like: John decides to break up with Lucy because he has fallen out of love. He has thought about ending it for several months and when he finally does end it, he feels free and happy. Lucy did not see it coming and when it ends she goes into deep sadness over it. She cries everyday while thinking about him, she gets angry about what happened and loses interest in her life over it. John, even though he is not in a lot of communication with her, starts to have guilty thoughts about Lucy. He starts to have days where he feels miserable or frustrated or angry and Lucy always pops into his head at these moments. Lucy is unknowingly sending bad vibes towards John. John doesn't realise this but starts to feel very negative towards Lucy or awkward if he's ever in her presence. John eventually decides to cut all contact with Lucy but still feels the same feelings until eventually they stop-when Lucy starts to move on.
So, whether you believe in this or not, it is worth noting. Personally, I believe in it. I always know when someone has bad feelings towards me, I always know deep down which is why I sometimes cut contact with people or just never initiate contact anymore with certain people who I would have been close enough to , or at least friends with. It's not about what they did, what they said or didn't say...it's something else, something I can't pinpoint but I just don't feel welcome in their lives or want to talk to them. I cut contact with a friend last year after he became too pushy about hanging out all the time and when I cut contact, I felt really negative vibes and guilt but I really didn't ever want to see him. Eventually, I stopped feeling those feelings and actually started missing him. It was around that time when I ran into him again by accident and he was very nice and didn't seem angry at me at all. I could tell there was a time he was angry at me, I knew instinctively.Β
So the message is ! If you are hoping to reconnect with anyone from your past, do your best to not thinking about them or the situation negatively or with a sense of needing. Don't send them the message that they let you down, that they are to blame for your unhappiness, that you are angry at them....just don't ! Try to view them with compassion but if you get into negativity, stop thinking about them! Don't even miss them too much or send out too many thoughts about them in general. Ease up on visualisation if you think it might be pushing them away. Just try remove them from your head for a time. They might be feeling smothered if you are thinking about them too much-bad or good. Just think about thoughts like you think about contacting them-do it when it feels right, don't over do it, don't think about them if they have asked for space, give them mental space as well as physical space. Don't be needy in your thoughts or too over the top with love if they are not in contact with you. Just think about them when you feel good, when it feels right, when it doesn't effect your mood or your happiness. I hope this might be some food for thought for those of you who believe in spiritual connections Β
Not everyone will believe in this, like it sounds a bit too other worldly but personally I think it's true, like I've felt repelled by people for no reason at all I could put my finger on to find out later that they either said something nasty about me to someone else or they were kind of obsessed with me from a far but in a needy way or they desired to sleep with me. Like I remember having a really bad feeling about an old boyfriend's best friend, he just bugged me , even though he didn't do or say anything in front of me until one day I found out that he told people that I was stupid or annoying and then even later found out that he wanted to sleep with me, so yeah I believe in the power of thought to effect people's idea of you.Β
This makes sense! I've always believed that we stay connected to people we have/had close bonds with. I believe that I can sense when my ex fiance and even my ex before him are thinking of me. I'll feel sad out of nowhere sometimes and think maybe it's because they're thinking a sad thought about me. Like I'll be feeling great and all of a sudden it will hit me. Although I believe this, it just never occurred to me that people can pick up on our obsessive, needy thoughts about them. I know we can sense desperation like that through energy when people are near us, but just didn't think about people who we're not in contact with picking up on those feelings as well.
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