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5/18/2016 1:00 am  #31

Re: Higher vibrations yield results! My success story.

Craig your story is so inspirational. I learned so much from you.


5/18/2016 3:29 pm  #32

Re: Higher vibrations yield results! My success story.

Who is Lanie?


5/20/2016 12:06 pm  #33

Re: Higher vibrations yield results! My success story.

I think that this is wonderful news. And to be completely honest, the part that stuck out the most is your confidence to know if you even want her back you could snap your fingers and create your own reality!

I have GOTΒ  to get on your high flying disc. In our relationship i KNEW i had the power, know im learning how to get it back and to read someone got it is so uplifting!

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.

5/20/2016 1:31 pm  #34

Re: Higher vibrations yield results! My success story.

Just an updated everyone.

I am doing well. I am loving life and having so much fun! LOL. I have women from all over hitting me up..haha. its great. I am going on so many dates.

I have decided to give the romance side of LOA a rest. I need to start working on manifesting a career, salary, and place to settle down. The romance can wait because I am so happy with just me. I am no longer needy, clingy or attention starved. I love spending time alone doing the things I want to do. (I used to hate being alone lol).

The journey has been incredible. I came here wanting an ex back...pining after her, being suicidal, being an emotional wreck, needy, clingy, desperate, thinking she was the ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD FOR ME, silly I was in that low vibration. Good lord no wonder no girls wanted to be around me, I wouldnt want that either.

But now, im a sexy confident guy who smiles all the time and is full of life. I love it now It is crazy how you attract people...I always thought if I get into the gym and "look good and dress good" that that is what does it. Nope. I look the same but my vibe is higher and im attracting all kinds of women now. Im getting a garden variety right now haha.Β 

Yes I manifested my ex back but I quickly decided she wasnt for me and let her go for good. I do still miss her but thats just my ego talking. Hang in there everyone, it gets better. WAY better, I promise!

Thoughts become things.
     Thread Starter

5/20/2016 4:39 pm  #35

Re: Higher vibrations yield results! My success story.

Craig, can you please come over to RollingRock's thread? I think there are similarities in your starting points and I totally think you can help. 😘

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

5/29/2016 10:53 am  #36

Re: Higher vibrations yield results! My success story.

Justaspeckintheuniverse wrote:

Who is Lanie?

I write relationship books and have guided meditations mp3s to help with getting an ex back, attracting a new guy, manifesting money, etc. Β I teach a technique that is unique and will allow you to contact the person you desire easily and effortlessly. Β 

Craig (on this forum) used my technique to get his ex back and then decided she wasn't the "one". Β It is understandable because as you go through the meditation process you raise your vibrational energy and sometimes become out of alignment with what you thought you desired. Β In other words, you learn and grow! Β :-)

Please check out my website: Β

Or my forum: Β

Big Hugs,


6/03/2016 5:46 am  #37

Re: Higher vibrations yield results! My success story.

Thank you Craig!! Your story is inspirational and proves to me that letting go and raising my own vibration is the key! I read your post when I joined the forum but did not read the whole thread. But today when I realize I am finally able to 'let go' because I feel so good doing my own stuff !! I'm convinced that I can be actually be happy to be with or without him, and I'm willing to accept the fact that he may not return to my life, then i believe my higher vibration leads me to read your whole thread and I think now understand why you no longer want your ex, because I'm also now feeling carefree and relaxed with the fact that I have a lot more opportunities not limited to just one guy ! I started to enjoy the process of learning LOA !! It's really fun ! When I interact people everyday I send them heart energy, and their nice responses really surprise me and inspire me! I see signs everywhere LOA is working in my favor!!!  I'm now confident I really can have my guy back and someone better. thank you Craig and everyone !!

Last edited by r8lovable (6/03/2016 5:50 am)


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