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5/19/2016 5:47 am  #1

Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

So guys. I had put my desire for my relationship with my daughter's father back a bit behind my immediate goals and as reported everything has been smooth sailing!

Then it happened,the day before yesterday he and I FINALKY had a heart to heart and though it wasn't omg take me back, it was very satisfying to know I'll always be his girl, but he too felt he had to chase his dreams. 1 thumb up!

I went back to manifesting my thoughts to moving to Texas...I've had so many "but what if" moments but each time I meet a Texan, see a commercial, see a license plate... SOMETHING happens To remind me it's OK keep going. Then I got a call from a recruiter for a job. Now I have very little sitter for my kid and no home but he called and asked how soon can I transition and they will assist in the childcare portion...guys in a month's time...I could be opening a new chapter...I could have actually done it...manifested the life I wanted since a kid! I told him I'm going to align things up so I'm going to be super focused this week...2nd thumb up.

Now my thumb down...though I have some opposition in the moving I trust I can figure it out.

But just the day before yesterday my love sent me a text saying goodnight with the kissy emoji. I told him I'd rather it in person...he text back why is that little woman...I said because it feels better...HE DOESNT REPLY. He didn't message or call at all yesterday and naturally I didn't reach out thing Lar09said is that she liked her pedestal and was staying on it...and I LOVE that saying.

So about 500pm he sent me a message saying Psssssst! I don't reply.

I got to his mom's to get our daughter and he makes it there before I left. When he walks in he greets everyone but walks right to me and sits on my lap....and whispers hey babe...

He plays with the kids while on my lap...holds an entire conversation with his folks on my lap but he never addressed he didn't reply or call or text all day and I don't dare bring it up. But he didn't notice that I was annoyed he acted so much in love...smh

Now I'm wondering if I should address not being used to ignoring me or even allowing me to say sweet stuff and be left hanging...or just stop acting as if and go back to thinking it so I don't spoil my vibes.

I kinda feel like it's not that big of a deal. But my pedestal had been empty for a while and I'm eager in world domination no hurdles no resistance no set backs! A bit selfish but I've been selfless and snivelling way too long...ya girl is a beast and always have been until this break up and now after talks with Cherished, holistic, lar09 and cotton....I just can't deny being a manifesting Olympian you know...

Any advice? And not just with my love but with relocating and finding affordable or temporary housing and childcare?

Also I'm sure I'll get a bit down if he doesn't want to come but I'll manifest that soon enough

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.

5/19/2016 10:10 am  #2

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

I think what was my immediate thought was.."oh wow did I open up for nothing." Or "OK we are back to playing me."Β  And then "So, were you just having a moment because your new friend was ignoring you?"

What ever that small amount of resistance was it was short lived because i recieved that call from the Texas recruiter and it changed my out look quickly!!

So then when I got to his moms and he walked in the door, i recognized the look of worry on HIS face thats why he came to me and sat on my lap super clingy. I noticed he watched me the entire time, but i must admit I was a bit tight because everyday ALL day we had been back to our little playfully in love selves.

Today I am a bit better. I recognize that it is a rebirth sort of speak and that theres so much to consider with the move in tow...but i am still super focused on allowing the universe to respond to my wishes without ddoing too much thinking and too much micro managing.

It was important you mentioned that because THAT is truly my yucky trait, lol!

But ever since I read the pedastal statement I knew that is EXACTLY why i was bothered...That is what im used to, keeping my head high and looking forward and for the first time in my life I felt what looing down and back felt like and i am NOT returning to sad, pitful land, no no no!

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.
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5/19/2016 10:54 am  #3

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

Ok so we just had our first little "tiff" that we have had in weeks.

He called and mentioned that he noticed I was a bit upset with him. I told him I was and it was because he didn't reply and a courtisy yes or no is just basic respect and left it there...then he sort of mentioned he felt like since he just saw me i was asking him for too much!

I responded ok, well I am confused ho so, because i don't ask him to do anything or go anywhere, he said yes true. Then got incredibly defensive and said well dont expect me to believe you just changed your spots over night and went on and on about the past.

I told him poiniantly i had changed and not interested in talking about the past. You have noticed the change and youΒ  have liked it and if you are going back to old ways thats your choice but do not expect me to return there. He just replied whatever and that i was in no place to repremand him. I told him i was requesting him to not drag the past into my future, that wasnt a repremand.

Guys im not crying or sad, but im so ANNOYED. Because it is still obvious that time is still needed here to work on it. I know I must keep my head up, stay on my pedastal and keep the trust that all things are working in my favor. But I was so taken back on how he felt smothered. I DO NOT call him he call ME! That bit of light has truly made me upset, because I am not a fan of misplaced blame at all.


That just made me feel like a naggin ex that wants all his time and attention and that has NOT been the case at all. Need help rethinking this one through because im in mind to go on the deep end just to prove my i have done in the past and not sure how to hurry up and get over it without allowing my nnerves to challenge my new beliefs.

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.
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5/19/2016 1:07 pm  #4

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

That's pretty great advice! Thank you for that.

He is stubborn and when he was most in love he had no issues apologizing. Now I am not completely sure what he will do. But thank you for reminding of what i SHOULD do.

You are 115% correct about us being similar. The DEBATE IS EVERYTHING. There was no better feeling then to look at his face cowar in realizing he was wrong. However, i have learned that he held on to that, hence him saying don;t repremand him. So i know there are some scars there created I must acknowledge for him.

Also he made an off guarded comment about me leaving, almost like he was upset about it. I didnt allow him to ellaborate because i just wanted to end the conversation, but it sounded like THAT was the reality of what was bothering him.

But I will let him come back to me. I haven't gotten off alignment jusssssssssssst yet, but I have totally got tripped up because he was genuienly mad at me and responded as if I were annoying him.

I must see him this evening when I get our daughter. He told me he wanted to finish the conversation later since he was working...Any other time he stays on the phone with me all day if he can.

I love him, but there are times I really don't like him,lol!

Pointing the blame finger when he is at fault is something i have been consistently working on in myself to accept. So your comparrision to the mirror was excellent. Because he did exactly what i was thinking he would do.

Ok back to my solid grounded throne! No need to allow him to think im bothered. I am totally worth running away with. Forgiving..Loving me...And seeing me any chance you get....I even miss the fear or rather respect to just want to make IT right versus BE right...and that is where I am in my mind.

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.
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5/19/2016 7:39 pm  #5

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

You say he is stubborn.. And you know what I'm going to say next..... 😘

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that happens is a reflection of how you're vibing. You were annoyed, he went off on a tangent, you went off, he went away..... It's a perfect match and I can see that you're understanding this better all the time. I know it feels relieving to blow up and feel stoic in your "rightness" lol.. BUT.. From and LOA standpoint, and this IS an LOA forum - you are always the person in control of attracting what matches your vibe. For him to be weird, you must have been weird. For him to be annoying, you must have been annoyed. It simply doesn't work any other way. SO. Knowing this, can you see how your reacting to WHAT IS is not really an empowering way to live? It was actually YOU that attracted it. It's actually not entirely his fault 😁 Don't virtual- hit me.. You have to BE the vibration that you want others to be on also. It starts with YOU. Are your expectations of him in line with your highest desires? I don't think they are. Remember, this is not a conventional way of thinking.. This is LOA. Where you are accountable for each and every interaction that you have. And let me tell you- when you nail this, ALL of your interactions will be magnificent. 😘

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

5/19/2016 8:10 pm  #6

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

You're probably on to something. I was annoyed I wasn't replied too and once I heard his reason that he felt I wanted more I did snap because I truly can't stand bring blamed when I am of no fault. Initially I told him on I understood and that's when I heard something he had never done...tried to reexplain what he meant. But the more he did the worse it git the worse I felt because he wasn't talking about now but the past.

I'm do trying to refocus. My eyes are tired from studying, a crying 2 year old and missing having help and the fact my buddy my lover who I'm not giving with, I can't talk to because though I'm like 70% there I'm not 100% there yet ...yet lol, to realign as quick. Lar09 called it.. it's a joy in the awkward need to be right. But you're correct. I know where I went wrong...I should have left the conversation and let him consider his own vibe since all has been perfect.

I haven't gotten there just yet but I want to mirror him back as my protector and lover and provider.

I was reading someone else's post who hit her love back and her point was being or rather acknowledgement to the feeling you think you'll want from them. Honestly the more I do...the more I cry and not bad tears at all. It's all overwhelming love.

So many memories are crashing, songs he has played fit me, trips we have taken, times he paint my toes or called me in the middle of the night because he couldn't sleep, the one that gets me chojed up the most is going puppy shopping to prove he was ready to start a family.

I mean I'm in mega tears because that's what love is to me...the simple, adorable things that create butterflies. He has a gigantic smile and big teeth and his shy look of patient approval was just precious.

So to have all that turn into I love you but....ouch😭!

I won't virtually hit you...your honesty is most helpful. I just know it's a journey and I slipped!

Lar pedestal point is helpful and your reminding me of my ability to orchestrate both positive and negative is what I need. And cotton being just straight up a LOA THUGπŸ˜ƒ will make it easier to get through the night.

I will try and refocus...any ideas because my eyes are burning from my visualisations tonight.

Yesterday they were so rwsl...him and his kid visited me in I'm not there yet but my visualisation was he called just to chat and as we were talking he knocked on my door. I told him hang on and my kid runs to the window and yells Daaaaaaaaddddyyyy. I give her my phone to talk to him and grab the door. When I open it...he us there..big smile, big and, baseball cap and matching shirt and his other kid matching rushing in the door in tears because she misses me.

He drops his bags, picks me up, grabs our daughter and I just flat out funeral cry in his chest and he says it's OK daddy is here.

And NOW my visualisation is even more overwhelming because I am getting better at it. And we had our Tiff.

Well ladies I'm headed to bathe my little beast, say prayers and meditate before laying homework tonight I'm mentally sore.

But you DID put me in check..thought it's His fault he sucks butt and is just as combative... you're 100% I CONTROL THE OUTCOME! And I didn't do the best job. But since I got you guys and a flying dics, a pedestal, dome knowledge and loads of confidence.. I think it'll be alright by

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.
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5/19/2016 8:16 pm  #7

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

You'll be totally fine. But stop rehashing what WAS. It takes time for physical to change, so expect that he's the fabulous man you desire! VIBRATE THAT TO HIM. And he will rise to become it.

BUT, doubling back and rehashing pointless arguments (and I promise you they are pointless- no matter the topic), only brings forth more of that into your reality. YOU are the creator. Fix your story honey. 😘

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

5/20/2016 5:40 am  #8

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

Cherished wrote:

You'll be totally fine. But stop rehashing what WAS. It takes time for physical to change, so expect that he's the fabulous man you desire! VIBRATE THAT TO HIM. And he will rise to become it.

BUT, doubling back and rehashing pointless arguments (and I promise you they are pointless- no matter the topic), only brings forth more of that into your reality. YOU are the creator. Fix your story honey. 😘

OK so my visualisations of the past things I liked and things I want are so passionately adoring..and I think time is what trips mist of us up...


I'm up ready for work and noticed we didn't speak. Now I know I'm the creator BUT I need a hand on flipping thus one since it's our first Tiff on a great 3 week stretch of countless texts and calls..

Any videos or advice to QUICKLY realign?

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.
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5/20/2016 6:03 am  #9

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

The Bashar video on circumstances

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

5/20/2016 6:05 am  #10

Re: Two thumbs up, one thumb down..

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

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