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5/11/2016 6:00 pm  #21

Re: Just a suggestion..

Angellynn wrote:

I am so confused!? Lol. Sometimes I don't know what to believe I know I want and deserve my love back and so that will be my reality and truth. I so appreciate everyone's opinions (: I think the best way to attract what you want and what you believe is to find those people who stands for what you believe. Lately I been getting confused with everyone's different opinions although it made me think and become open - minded. For example, I always talk and would go to Veronica, Cherished, BooLaLa and others who tell me it is possible no matter what, because if they can do it I can too! I think it comes down to what you believe and talking to those people who have the same belief to help you... If that makes sense. I know when I talk to other people on different loa forums or websites they say no you can't attract a specific person and all those things I don't want to hear always brings me down and make me feel like a fool. So I try to stay away from their beliefs and find people who support my believes like Cherished when I messaged her she gave me such good advice! (:

The thing is, I KNOW I can attract exactly who my heart desires, because I've done it over and over. So nobody is ever going to convince me otherwise 😊 But equally- those who, for whatever reason have been unable to release their resistance will see a reality where this simply isn't the case. So they are truly well-meaning also, when they tell you to move on. I run my own race. I set my own goals and ive removed a LOT of limiting beliefs that held me back for years. And the transformation in my life has been spectacular. So if someone asks me "can I get my guy back?" Well, firstly I say that it comes entirely down to your thoughts, feelings and vibration.. But why would I say "well I managed to attract back every ex.. All of them.. But no. You probably can't." Lol, I simply can't say that because my truth and my reality is an emphatic YES. And I can guide you towards better momentum, but the rest is up to you! And if you do or if you don't.. That comes down to your beliefs.

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’ž 

5/11/2016 6:07 pm  #22

Re: Just a suggestion..

And I also want to add that this topic - for some people- is what holds you apart from your desire! The very act of searching for for's and against.. it merely adds to that momentum of doubt and disbelief that you possibly hold. When you are still questioning, you will only attract more confusion and questions. And that is not the vibration that will lead you into love. You have to remove yourself from the question and live wholeheartedly in the answer. THAT is the vibration that will attract what you are wanting. There is no need to decide who is more correct. We are ALL correct! All of us! 😊 You totally get to decide. And once you decide what your truth is, knuckle down and BE that truth. THAT is where the magic begins.

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’ž 

5/11/2016 6:23 pm  #23

Re: Just a suggestion..

Sam wrote:

To me it's really as simple as asking yourself, "Does what this person just said to me feel good? No? Well, then I guess it's not MY truth!" 😊

Yes! You're right. That's exactly it.

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

5/11/2016 6:29 pm  #24

Re: Just a suggestion..

Cherished wrote:

And I also want to add that this topic - for some people- is what holds you apart from your desire! The very act of searching for for's and against.. it merely adds to that momentum of doubt and disbelief that you possibly hold. When you are still questioning, you will only attract more confusion and questions. And that is not the vibration that will lead you into love. You have to remove yourself from the question and live wholeheartedly in the answer. THAT is the vibration that will attract what you are wanting. There is no need to decide who is more correct. We are ALL correct! All of us! 😊 You totally get to decide. And once you decide what your truth is, knuckle down and BE that truth. THAT is where the magic begins.

Okay! Yes you're right. I understand that now. Especially the part that we are all correct in whatever it is we believe and choose. Thank you for this clarification. And we'll now I choose YES that in my reality I can have and desire anything I want. (: sorry for my confusions and lack of understanding everyone I'm still learning hehe!

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

5/11/2016 6:31 pm  #25

Re: Just a suggestion..

Cherished wrote:

Angellynn wrote:

I am so confused!? Lol. Sometimes I don't know what to believe I know I want and deserve my love back and so that will be my reality and truth. I so appreciate everyone's opinions (: I think the best way to attract what you want and what you believe is to find those people who stands for what you believe. Lately I been getting confused with everyone's different opinions although it made me think and become open - minded. For example, I always talk and would go to Veronica, Cherished, BooLaLa and others who tell me it is possible no matter what, because if they can do it I can too! I think it comes down to what you believe and talking to those people who have the same belief to help you... If that makes sense. I know when I talk to other people on different loa forums or websites they say no you can't attract a specific person and all those things I don't want to hear always brings me down and make me feel like a fool. So I try to stay away from their beliefs and find people who support my believes like Cherished when I messaged her she gave me such good advice! (:

The thing is, I KNOW I can attract exactly who my heart desires, because I've done it over and over. So nobody is ever going to convince me otherwise 😊 But equally- those who, for whatever reason have been unable to release their resistance will see a reality where this simply isn't the case. So they are truly well-meaning also, when they tell you to move on. I run my own race. I set my own goals and ive removed a LOT of limiting beliefs that held me back for years. And the transformation in my life has been spectacular. So if someone asks me "can I get my guy back?" Well, firstly I say that it comes entirely down to your thoughts, feelings and vibration.. But why would I say "well I managed to attract back every ex.. All of them.. But no. You probably can't." Lol, I simply can't say that because my truth and my reality is an emphatic YES. And I can guide you towards better momentum, but the rest is up to you! And if you do or if you don't.. That comes down to your beliefs.

Mmm Gotcha!! I understand now that makes total sense. Btw there a nice clear and huge rainbow outside right now! that makes me happy hahahaha... Just thought I should share that

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

5/11/2016 6:55 pm  #26

Re: Just a suggestion..

I think what's interesting to hear, going back to Abraham (because she's the one I listen to the most and I feel because she wrote that book and is a leading expert on loa, I believe in a lot of her teaching) is that she doesn't seem to believe that relationships are always built to last and she says that a marriage vow should be more like 'I like you a lot, lets see how this goes' or first, I thought she was really un-romantic, when people asked her about specific people, she never really put much importance on the 'specific' part of their question. Now, after 2 years of listening to her in the same videos about love, trying to pin point the part where she says you can have the specific person and ignoring the rest, I finally am starting to come around to what she is saying...'if that person is in the vibrational vicinity' ....'if you stay in the vortex and allow ideas about that person to flow through you' 'if you stay in appreciation for that person' 'if you thank that person in your mind for putting more of what you want in your vortex' and my favourite line 'stay and keep watching butterflies and allow the love of your life to come right along' and it all makes so much sense ^.^ You can have a specific person, there's no 'you can't' but can doesn't mean you'll most definitely get that exact one, but you can get that exact one if you find the path to that one and in due timing but it might not happen because by the time you're growing and getting really happy and finding out what you like and don't like and laughing and listening to good music and having fun and travelling and whatever else, you'll most probably be right in front of someone who has everything you've been looking for plus more....the one you wanted at first may not be near your vibrational vicinity, he might be totally somewhere else in another vibration that does not match yours. I saw a picture of one of my older boyfriends, I remember wanting him back so badly for the best part of a year, he came back after 2 years but by then I didn't want him anymore as I had met someone else (who is the guy I came on here for). In the picture he looked so happy and he was playing guitar on stage, I know he's in a great place in his life, but it's still a different life to what I want and even though we're both happy, we're not on the same wave length. But that's ok No matter what, learning about vibrations and using loa to improve your life definitely makes you a happier and positive person I think and that's more important I feel now

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

5/11/2016 7:39 pm  #27

Re: Just a suggestion..

ShootingStar wrote:

I think what's interesting to hear, going back to Abraham (because she's the one I listen to the most and I feel because she wrote that book and is a leading expert on loa, I believe in a lot of her teaching) is that she doesn't seem to believe that relationships are always built to last and she says that a marriage vow should be more like 'I like you a lot, lets see how this goes' or first, I thought she was really un-romantic, when people asked her about specific people, she never really put much importance on the 'specific' part of their question. Now, after 2 years of listening to her in the same videos about love, trying to pin point the part where she says you can have the specific person and ignoring the rest, I finally am starting to come around to what she is saying...'if that person is in the vibrational vicinity' ....'if you stay in the vortex and allow ideas about that person to flow through you' 'if you stay in appreciation for that person' 'if you thank that person in your mind for putting more of what you want in your vortex' and my favourite line 'stay and keep watching butterflies and allow the love of your life to come right along' and it all makes so much sense ^.^ You can have a specific person, there's no 'you can't' but can doesn't mean you'll most definitely get that exact one, but you can get that exact one if you find the path to that one and in due timing but it might not happen because by the time you're growing and getting really happy and finding out what you like and don't like and laughing and listening to good music and having fun and travelling and whatever else, you'll most probably be right in front of someone who has everything you've been looking for plus more....the one you wanted at first may not be near your vibrational vicinity, he might be totally somewhere else in another vibration that does not match yours. I saw a picture of one of my older boyfriends, I remember wanting him back so badly for the best part of a year, he came back after 2 years but by then I didn't want him anymore as I had met someone else (who is the guy I came on here for). In the picture he looked so happy and he was playing guitar on stage, I know he's in a great place in his life, but it's still a different life to what I want and even though we're both happy, we're not on the same wave length. But that's ok No matter what, learning about vibrations and using loa to improve your life definitely makes you a happier and positive person I think and that's more important I feel now

 Abraham is my life.. Have you heard them talk about Esther and Jerry? Esther decided that Jerry was her man. It is actually Esther that convinced me I most certainly CAN be with my man!  It's all in the way you perceive, attract and translate.  Here are a few of my favorite Abe teachings that talk straight to the heart of specifically attracting.  Hope you all enjoy 😘

How did Esther not give a rip about what he (Jerry)
was doing? Because...

Because, she decided to love him.
She was not about to let herself NOT LOVE HIM.
There was never anything that he could be or do,
that was big enough to cause her to not love him!

And here are the exact words of Abraham saying that we can indeed get a specific person:

Abraham Hicks: ... no one will be able to talk you out of it. Esther said "That's my man, That's my man, That's my man" she knew it, everything that she had lived had put it there and when she saw him, she knew that and nothing was going to talk her out of that, you see? When you know it, you know it but you have to find the vibrational essence of it first, you see? And once you do then it all lines up and all of the cooperative components just make it come about..."

β€œWhen you’re tuned in, you are undeniable; and I, and all other components of the Universe, have to yield to you. But when you’re not tuned in, when you’re begging, when you’re pleading, when you’re needing, when you’re asking from a place of not being lined up with it, then it doesn’t happen as easily.”
- Abraham Hicks (The Vortex)

β€œIf you will simply imagine your life as you want it to be, all cooperative components will be summoned. And even more important, all components that are summoned will cooperate. It is Law.”
- Abraham Hicks (The Vortex)

β€œYou don’t have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection β€” you’re going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships.”
- Abraham Hicks

β€œGet so fixated on what you want,
that you drown out any vibration or reverberation that has anything to do
with what you do not want.”

And so, what happens is, it is our absolute promise to you, that the Nonphysical Energy that orchestrates this balance would not set forth an imbalance in terms of desires and beliefs. In other words, you come forth in this perfectly... Your balance is so perfect that do you know that anyone of you who desire anything, the resources to have it in its implicit specifics are here for every single one of you. In other words, there is no possible way that any of you could ever be denied anything that you have the ability to desire. The only thing that denies you is your own misalignment of Energy. In other words, the resources are there. The Law of Attraction is in place. The probability of your developing the idea is there. In other words, everything that is necessary for this ongoing, leading edge time/space reality is here for you. And the only thing that ever messes any of you up is when you get in this place where you’re pushing against something.

Your small Earth continues to spin in its orbit and the Life Force continues to come forth in the seed of the tomato to give it longevity over generations.. And so, if you accept that that Nonphysical Energy is holding your planet in perfect balance in proximity to other planets, cannot that same trust cause you to expect that the balance of all things would be such?"

Jerry sent an invitation to Esther to attend his wedding. He called her last minute to confirm that she would be there. Her response? No,  she would not be attending and neither should he.  He did not. And they finally came together in a magnificent love story that Esther always knew in her heart was theirs.

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’ž 

5/11/2016 8:31 pm  #28

Re: Just a suggestion..

OMG these quotes made my heart soarrrr. Thank you πŸ’«


5/11/2016 8:43 pm  #29

Re: Just a suggestion..


     β€’Thread Starter

5/11/2016 8:46 pm  #30

Re: Just a suggestion..

Everythingisbeautiful wrote:

OMG these quotes made my heart soarrrr. Thank you πŸ’«

And THAT feeling is what you are after! Get there, stay there and the universe will swing into action 😘

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’ž 

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