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5/01/2016 10:31 am  #1

Got a sign from the universe!!! Made my entire day!

I am new to this forum but not new to loa. I have been practicing for many years now. I joined because I have no problem attracting my ex to me, I have a problem keeping him there. I get worried and my worries cause my fears to take place, which he leaves again. I can usually get him back in a matter of days, I am pretty good at keeping my vibrations high. It has taken years to do this well. Well...Lately I have been kinda down, I asked the universe for a sign. I turned on pandora and what do you know? MY SIGN!!! Three loves songs back to back that I listen to when him and I are together and I always think of him. Thinking out loud, All of me, and Like I'm gonna lose you. Now currently our song photograph is playing, although this did not play back to back with the others. There was one song in between. I am so elated I could cry!!! How did this happen on pandora? When I am constantly skipping songs. I cannot believe that I almost turned the first song off because it sorta hurt. I am so thankful that I didn't. I hope all of you on here are having the most positive day as I am!Β 


"You can be, do, and have whatever you want. You are the creator of your reality."

5/01/2016 2:56 pm  #2

Re: Got a sign from the universe!!! Made my entire day! add to my success for the day, My ex and I have been talking and he is going to call me within the next 30 mins or so!!! This is so exciting for me. Him and I have not talked on the phone since the break up, we have only argued through text messages. This has been the absolute best day ever!!!

"You can be, do, and have whatever you want. You are the creator of your reality."
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5/01/2016 8:40 pm  #3

Re: Got a sign from the universe!!! Made my entire day!

Not sure what age you are, but I've noticed that it's a struggle in general to have a non-stop relationship these days if you're younger. I'm 22 and the ex I want, I was always on and off with. Same problem you had. But it's also a thing about people not being in a good place to commit, I wouldn't put it all down to you too much, but remember that when you're in a relationship, every day they make a choice to be with you and you with them. So as long as you give more than you take in a relationship, they have no reason to not want you Authenticity, kindness, selflessness, support, affection, loyalty=a good relationship

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

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