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4/29/2016 9:06 pm  #1

Manifested a specific person ;)

Ok this one is not what you're going to want to hear, nooo it isn't my ex boyfriend or current boyfriend or whatever haha (if you can't tell, I've let go of my desire so I'm letting the universe do it's thing now with that boy) but this is a boy and it is a pretty cool little story ;)
Saw a really attractive guy yesterday when I was in college, he was standing with his friend a meter away from me while I was smoking and I thought, damn he is so hot, he also has a really cool personality (I was eaves dropping) and I thought, it would be nice if I could meet him, I mean, he doesn't even notice me right now I'm hiding in a dark corner and I look awful today so I'm not going to let him notice me anywayy.Β 
I go to a university with a huge population of students, it's the biggest one in my country, you can see people once and never again, or see people around a lot and never get the chance to meet them because they know totally different people to you.
Today, I go to the bar with my friend, the bar is packed, I see a guy I'm friendly with and walk up to him, who is he with.....yeah, that guy I wanted to meet !! Like...I'm not lying, this is weird, the guy introduces himself to me, I start doing my inner panic of 'do I look ok'. End of the story is, we ended up chatting for like 40 minutes, we get on so well, he's so gorgeous, and I sneakily gave him my number so I'm awaiting a text or call ;)

So yeah, thank you universe

Method: Saw the person I wanted to meet, sent out my desire in the form of 'awh wouldn't it be nice', basically took it as a thing that wasn't worth getting my hopes up or down about, I didn't even think about him afterwards at all, so like, totally let it my manifestation today and we clicked so our vibes were in sync and I don't know where this might go we'll have to see haha!

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

4/29/2016 10:14 pm  #2

Re: Manifested a specific person ;)

Awesome! )πŸ‘


4/30/2016 9:06 pm  #3

Re: Manifested a specific person ;)

Haha this is so completely cool! No way any of that is a coincidence at all lol... Good luck & remember, just take it easy & HAVE FUN!!!! 😘😘


5/01/2016 6:50 am  #4

Re: Manifested a specific person ;)

This is SOOOO what we want to hear!

The best part is, while you're having a fabulous time watching this gorgeous guy falling over himself to meet you,  you'll inadvertently DROP your resistance over your other guy and BOOM he'll appear like magic. Keep your vibe up πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΌ

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

5/01/2016 10:32 am  #5

Re: Manifested a specific person ;)


'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha
     Thread Starter

5/01/2016 11:21 pm  #6

Re: Manifested a specific person ;)

Wow, that is so cool!!! What a great story... and really, you can never have too many hot guys in your life... LOLΒ 


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