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4/27/2016 7:42 am  #1

I did it because I can...

Can you attract a specific person? Can you get your ex back? Is it possible?

Well I can tell you yes it is! And I know because I did it! Yes I did it!
Yes I read all the stories I saw all the no you can't posts! I saw all the people who failed tell you how it's not possible! I saw all the posts saying it's better not to! I saw all the people going off about the rules of loa like they were experts...
But you know why I succeeded and they didn't? Because I BELIEVED with every bone in my body!
I researched and I decided to see for myself then to listen to others who have failed or think they know what they are talking about!
Yes I did focus on myself because I needed to figure myself out to!
Yes I had bad days! I had down days because I needed to deal with the loss first but once I did and I was able to fully believe in what I wanted it came faster then I ever thought possible! I don't believe loa has any specific rules and regulations I believe people like to think they know what they are talking about! But one thing I've learned is we all have our own reality and what we believe we create! So if I believe I can get my ex back with no rules and limitations then I will! If you believe it's not allowed and it's not possible then it won't be!
It's actually truly that simple!
I don't care much for people on these forums who bash others and tell them their desires are not allowed!
Sorry to say but non of you lurking here are experts and your just talking from your experiences!! Just because that's how you created it doesn't mean that's how it is for everyone we all have different beliefs.
I gave it my all I did it my way and I had faith! Guess what!!! It worked! And no I'm not just a lucky one! It was not just by chance!
I did it because I believed I could and it was just that simple! No I did not just let go and happily carry on with life!
I held my desire close and made it a happy thing! And now I'm happier then ever!!


4/27/2016 8:23 am  #2

Re: I did it because I can...

That's great! I'm happy for you! I love stories like this, thanks for posting it it just made my day


4/27/2016 8:25 am  #3

Re: I did it because I can...

And I totally agree with the part where you said you didn't just let go and happily carry on with your life, the most important thing is to really believe what you want is already yours!!!


4/27/2016 9:16 am  #4

Re: I did it because I can...

Congratulations!!! It is as easy as that!


4/27/2016 10:18 am  #5

Re: I did it because I can...

Thanks everyone!
We broke up Nov 2015 and it was a very bad break up!
We didn't talk until Jan 2016
We were up and down but it's because I was up and down, a lot had happened and I was really hurt!
So I took a step back and cleaned myself and really thought about if I wanted him back if I could really move past everything.
It took abit of time to figure out but once I let the past go (not my desire) I forgave him and told him I did, I accepted the past cannot be changed only the future.
Once I did that then only really did it all fall into place beautifully!!
We just kinda clicked after that!
and I stopped reading up on if you can and if your allowed after I saw an artical about there being no rules? And I truly believe that what we believe is what will be!! If I believe I can't because people say there's rules about love ect then I can't!
But I believed I could I really believed that there were no limitations and it all worked out really well for me

Last edited by Happinessis (4/27/2016 10:19 am)

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4/27/2016 11:27 am  #6

Re: I did it because I can...

Honestly I searched for every way possible to fix that horrible feeling on bad days until I realized I just had to get through them.
On my really bad days I would just spend time alone Doing little things I enjoyed to distract my mind!
You are human and this is a tough road!! Especially because your grieving a loss at the same time!
But trust me when I say the bad days get few and far between as time goes on!!
I looked through success stories when I was down to try pull some motivation and I would focus on just getting through that day. The next morning I'd always wake up in a different frame of mind!
you need to find what works for you I found that keeping a book where I'd right 10 things I'm grateful in the morning
I'd write out an affirmation 15 times a day just because it gave me time to center myself
And before I slept I'd write 10 things I appreciated about my love
And I believed at first it was a little like what am I doing but let me you I went into this just saying I have nothing to loose by trying
And I gained everything I wanted and more

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4/27/2016 11:56 am  #7

Re: I did it because I can...

So when you say you went into it saying that you had nothing to loose, so in a way you did let go of the outcome. And when it did not matter what the outcome would be, how did you convince yourself to truly 100% believe he was with you already?


4/27/2016 12:06 pm  #8

Re: I did it because I can...

No I was not detached from the outcome
There was never really a point where I was like okay well if it doesn't work out its fine
The only thing I let go of was the hurt in the past!
I had nothing to loose in the sense of i saw this as my last option to try mend the relationship
I guess you can say do what makes you happy but to me i read that everywhere and I just didn't feel like that was so easy!
So I just took it day by day and if I felt okay watching series the whole day on a bad day then I would!
Look it took awhile to truly believe hence the ups and downs! In the beginning it feels unnatural but the more I wrote affirmations or sometimes I scripted I really saw my mind set change!
I was very interested in the law of attraction and watched many interesting things on YouTube that just opened up my mind and gave me excitement to think so much is possible!!!

     Thread Starter

4/27/2016 12:18 pm  #9

Re: I did it because I can...

Happinessis wrote:

No I was not detached from the outcome
There was never really a point where I was like okay well if it doesn't work out its fine
The only thing I let go of was the hurt in the past!
I had nothing to loose in the sense of i saw this as my last option to try mend the relationship
I guess you can say do what makes you happy but to me i read that everywhere and I just didn't feel like that was so easy!
So I just took it day by day and if I felt okay watching series the whole day on a bad day then I would!
Look it took awhile to truly believe hence the ups and downs! In the beginning it feels unnatural but the more I wrote affirmations or sometimes I scripted I really saw my mind set change!
I was very interested in the law of attraction and watched many interesting things on YouTube that just opened up my mind and gave me excitement to think so much is possible!!!

You're an inspiration

I can so relate to this, the 'if it doesn't work out its fine' statement just rubs me the wrong way and makes things worse for me even if that's what pretty much everybody is saying. When it comes to anything I want in life, not just this guy, if I want something badly it's not fine if it doesn't work out and I don't like to make plan Bs before I even get started. At the end I decided that I was gonna listen to myself and stick to it and work on building up the belief. The affirmations and visualizations made me feel kinda silly at first but they worked.

Whenever I'm sad I just let myself be, I cried and did all that and gradually it got better and better.


4/27/2016 1:23 pm  #10

Re: I did it because I can...

Its really good to hear that I'm really happy for you :D I've never doubted that I'm going to get back together with my person but its tricky because of the long time we've been apart now and of his mental place, his focus away from me, but one day I know it will come to pass :3

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

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