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4/11/2016 2:44 pm  #1

Great success story

This was just posted today on Power of LOA:;topicseen#new

Pretty much supports lots of the things Cherished, Vera, etc. talk about on this forum!


4/11/2016 6:18 pm  #2

Re: Great success story

I loved that post I loved especially that the situation was seemingly quite hopeless, he was getting ignored and had presumably chased her. I like those stories a lot because they show how you can still achieve your desire even if you've been failing and making mistakesΒ 

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

4/11/2016 8:02 pm  #3

Re: Great success story

Wow! What a simple and straight to the point post! I really enjoyed reading this.. exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing!

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

4/13/2016 10:20 am  #4

Re: Great success story

I have totally been failing and making mistakes. I have been chasing this for 2 years now well that bad? I dont want to give up....please respond


4/13/2016 11:08 am  #5

Re: Great success story

confused1077, if you've been "chasing" this for 2 years and still aren't getting the results you want than that means you need to change something in your vibration. Start by changing the story. Start by no longer saying "chasing". Say you're a CREATOR, and you GET EVERYTHING YOU WANT.Β 

Perhaps you're trying too hard? It's not about giving up, it's about loosening your grip and easing up a little bit. This shouldn't be difficult. It should be easy and relaxing. I don't know your entire story--can you elaborate and I will do my best to help?

Either way, just keep believing!!!

     Thread Starter

4/13/2016 11:39 am  #6

Re: Great success story

what if he just went on a date on Sunday and it went well? He is now not caring and said he did not connect and said he didnt connect with me (although he said he loved me alot in Dec and then we were sleeping together and he still was being romantic) we were together 4 years lilved together , he called me his dream girl, and then he broke up with me and we didnt speak found out in Feb 2015 he was dating someone else. I was devestaed ant did LOA and then he was single and then we became friends he was nicer, Β then friends with benefits and i struggled to get a commitment out. He was so confusing saying he loved me but not in love with me and then he would tell me he didnt want to be with me then 70% of the time he did and the other time he didnt, When he said he loved me i told him not to unless he meant it and he would still say it. It was not like he had to butter me up because we were sleeping together at this point he was already getting it. In dec he was soooo romantic. then we kept sleeping together up til last month. Then 2 weeks ago he was rude and told me I dont help him grow as a person and never will. He made it seem like our relationship meant nothing to him, but he said he cared for me. then on Saturday I find out that he was going on a date the next day with a girl I know who knew us when we were together. she always had a crush on him. He then on Sunday seemed rude to me when I kinda freaked out and was nasty saying that he cares only that I dont die. Now its like I dont matter at all. He jus told me we can be friends only if i dont mess things up for him. Its like he said i got better from when we dated but he wouldnt give me a fair chance. He said I was right he didnt but he could not get past our history. I guess the past doesnt matter huh? I also know last year when he dated someone I was devestated and fell into the book from Elizabeth Daniels. Seemed to work he was single in a month and a half. So now I am back to that again. is it hopeless when they are with someone else? Also this girl knows me and she knew us when we were together and had a crush on him for the longest time even when i was with him. Does that make it worse and impossible? I really appreciate responses. I am just having the most difficult time which is weird because it seems i have done this before but it doesnt make me feel better.

Last edited by confused1077 (4/13/2016 11:54 am)


4/13/2016 6:06 pm  #7

Re: Great success story

Confused1077 ...Girl, you're in a really bad place emotionally, I've been there, but read over what you wrote and pretend you're not you but you're your best friend. If I was your best friend, I would tell you to get out of that little bubble he has you tied into. I've been there too, trust me and a year later and out of that bubble I've grown a lot as a person and I am a lot happier than I was when I was just non stop worried and panicky and upset and felt like a rag doll so unsure of what was going on and doing everything to keep my boyfriend. You're probably a very pretty girl, all girls are pretty, but he's clearly very attracted to you and you should use that to your benefit. It's your emotional place that's pulling you down. Swap the story around, instead of him sleeping with you and then leaving and going on a date, think, damn he's being really stupid right now to leave me, a really cool girl who loves him, but maybe it's ok for now because I'm not in a good place and my vibe was all over the shop so I need to actually build myself up. Tell him in a lovely way how you think it's for the best you part ways and that you need to do some soul searching anyway because you're currently not the girl you know you should be...and p.s lets just not be friends it's totally cool by saying that, he can't be negative about you! his resistance will go down so much and when he thinks about you, he won't think of a needy, upset and emotional girl, he'll think of a girl who has amazing self awareness that she sees she's not in the best place and wants to fix it herself and DOESN'T NEED him. That's going to take down his ego a peg. The next step is being super strong and following through, including deleting him on facebook and acting like you genuinely want to move on. Listen to encouraging songs every day, do little things to get you started, like getting a new hair cut, new clothes, the usual. Read about sexy strong women of the past including Cleopatra, Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie...start to emulate women you admire. Start to become the woman you wanted to be when you were a little girl and do it for you. Do all these things and you'll start to notice the difference and you'll look back on comments like the one you just made and be really surprised at how you would just never be in that situation again because you have so much more self love and know your worth. That will be the day this guy reappears and says something like 'wow you look amazing' because you'll be so radiant and he'll be so drawn and then you can decide whether or not you want him, not the other way round ;)Β 

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

4/13/2016 7:54 pm  #8

Re: Great success story

Thank you, the only thing is we have mutual friends and we are both set to go on a cabin trip in July. So if I just like unfollow? Also what if I just keep quiet from him would that work too? Just like no contact except in group situations tiny acknowledgement?


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