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4/08/2016 5:17 pm  #1

Not an Ex Back Success Story

Today is an important day for me because, finally, 5 1/2 months after my breakup I got myself back! I didn't lost myself 5 1/2 months ago, I barely can remember when it was. Tonight when I walked through town, looking straight forward, not at the ground, feeling strong, confident and centered I realized that I don't need anyone to be happy and complete because I felt happy and complete in this very moment without my ex or any other guy. In fact, I'm so over my ex that I wouldn't take him back for all the money on this world. I learned much in the relationship and I learned even more because of the breakup. I'm stronger and happier now. I'm grateful that it's over, because I feel that he isn't the man for me. I didn't love him anymore. There is a new guy I have feelings for now and I use Lanie's method on him, but I don't really care if or when he shows up again. It's okay with me to never see him again. It's okay with me to have a relationship with him too, but I'm not willing to give anyone power over my emotions again. I love to be independent and I love to be emotional stable. For the sake of my happiness, I won't give up on this again. I won't give myself up again. I'm the most important person in my life and I hope I will never ever forget that again.

Thank you all for your help and support. I learned so much in the last months. I especially love to read your posts over and over again, Cherished. Thanks to you in particular for being awesome and taking you so much time for people you don't even know.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

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