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4/05/2016 9:00 am  #1

Awesome story about my coworker

So my coworker told me this awesome "specific person" success story I wanted to share with everybody:

About a year and a half ago there was a guy on her train who she would make eye contact with and sometimes he would even wink at her. She was attracted to him, but they never talked or anything. Then she noticed he was wearing a wedding ring and was even more reluctant to ever say something to him. Then she moved and started taking a different train. So end of story, right?

She actually told me this story the way it is a few months ago when we were discussing wedding rings and whatnot.

So today she comes into work. She knows how into LOA I am and so she goes, "I've got a great story you're gonna love!"Β 

She's always going on dates, trying to find the right guy, and so she's always on dating apps. Well this one app she's apparently pretty frustrated with and was just about to delete it, when who does she come across last night--train guy!!! They matched and she messaged him and they started talking. The guy said he always wanted to ask her out but was too shy and he's very excited they ended up finding each other on this dating app and now wants to take her out to see where things might go. Apparently he was going through a separation at the time when they were taking the same train, but was wearing his ring so coworkers didn't know he was going through a divorce. This guy is the VP of some big company and my coworker is ecstatic.

This story just goes to further prove the magic of LOA. This was just a random guy she met on the train, who at least on the outside seemed taken, who she never even talked to, and years had passed, and yet they both ended up matching on this app and now they've got a date lined up.

Granted, she didn't have much stock in the availability of this guy to begin with because of the whole ring thing, and so she moved on with her life, but the desire was still launched and they found their way back to each other. So that just goes to show you that by releasing resistance you WILL get the things you want. The universe doesn't just forget what you want, even when you move on and don't think about it anymore.

This story made my day and I hope it makes someone else's


4/05/2016 10:23 am  #2

Re: Awesome story about my coworker

Awesome story! Thanks for sharing

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

4/05/2016 11:44 am  #3

Re: Awesome story about my coworker

Thank you! This gives me so much confidence, especially since its been 2 years for me and my guy!

"Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, if you just believe" -
Believe, Josh Groban
its hard to have a better tomorrowΒ if you're still thinking about yesterday


4/06/2016 7:02 pm  #4

Re: Awesome story about my coworker

This is an amazing story! It made me feel really good to read this!


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