Hi all! It's been a while since I've posted, but I think I need a little help or a reminder/reassurance that I'm gonna be okay. So, for the first time I've discovered that my love is seeing someone else and I'm not gonna lie, that really shook me up to not see me in that picture that I saw. So, imma put away social media for a while to eliminate that possibility of seeing it again and giving it attention. And, like, I'm sure many of us have had that feeling of shock and sadness that crumbles our heart when we see that especially when we've been trying to re-manifest our loves back into our lives. But, I see it as a test from the Universe and God to see just how well I can handle this type of situation and which route I take form here: to say "Okay, that's cool. Imma end up with her anyway" or to totally revise the situation as if it was me in the picture and live like that...or both?? Or something else..Either way, I'm sure I'll bounce back pretty fast at this point.
I'm currently on my second round of the 25 Day Challenge seeing how the first was a little rough for me to get used to. I understand now that there have some reminders and signs that I've been on track with alignment lately, although I admit it isn't always easy for me. I feel the resistance and not sure what it is (doubt, mistrust, etc.) but I know I will crack out of this ignorant shell of a man that I've been. I mean, if I was in total alignment, I woulda had her by now, right? I keep seeing recurring numbers (which happens to be her birth date) and lately I've been catching that 11:11, too. Even though I've been blocked on some media platforms, I haven't been on others..but I see she's been giving me attention and seeing the stuff I post. But, until then imma do me and try to let go. I think that's the hardest part. I think my biggest challenge is trusting God and the Universe to deliver despite her seeing other people and eventually ending up with me. Also, I surprisingly find it hard to believe that I am a badass deliberate creator of my own life...sighhh...All I ask is that y'all can please send love my way and toward my situation...this is the first time I felt really in the dumps about my situation.
Thanks, everybody. Peace and love!
Sending love!!
The universe is NEVER testing you. If something screwy is happening it's because you have thought it or feared it or imagined it into being. But it's cool, you simply have to scrap that story and start again.
β€β€β€β€Sending love!
Thanks! I really appreciate it! Today had a bit of a rocky start but I'm slowly getting my groove back constantly telling myself that I'm creating whatever is happening in my life. I write the story of my life and I'm gonna write only successes and cross off/rip out any doubts that happen that find their way onto the page.