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3/29/2016 1:53 pm  #1

Success but where to go from here...

Hi lovelies!

I'm new here but have been lurking for awhile. I just have to say, its wonderful to be around so many enlightened people. I've learned soooo much here over the past month and I'm so grateful for each and everyone here 😘.

So I'll try and make this short but goes...

Last year my love and I took a mini break. I was devastated. Felt lost and fell into a deep depression. Although it was one of the hardest times in my life, I realize now it all happened for a reason. That situation caused me to expand in so many ways and from that point on, I became a deliberate creator and started working on manifesting my love back. It worked after 6 weeks. He came back and moved in with me. It was crazy because the visualization I came up with happened pretty much to a T. It was amazing! We were so happy. Our relationship was better then it ever had been. Eventually things took a turn though. He had baby mama drama and she kept his son from him for 2 months which led him into a deep, dark, depression and that's when our relationship went down hill. He was so depressed that he was unable to give me the things I needed in the relationship. Even though I tried not to let his vibe rub off on me, being an empath, it was impossible and eventually he ended up moving out. There's a lot more aspects involved as to why he moved but needless to say, he did. We didn't break up though. We both set up boundaries and what we both expected from each other being apart. Well, that didn't last long. I admit, because of my insecurities, I became very needy and eventually pushed him away. I take full responsibility. Especially after reading Cherish's post about us creating the rolls for the people in our lives. Wow what a role I gave him

Its been a month since we've been broken up. Its been hard but not nearly as hard as last year. I believe its because I knew he would be back. I attracted him back last year, I knew I can do it again. With the help of this forum, I learned about RS and RI and have been doing it religiously. I did have some resistance there, I felt it. I knew I was holding myself back so, I've been working on raising my vibrations and getting happy like Abe says. I've totally succeed to! The other day I had an amazing spiritual experience and I knew I was totally in the vortex. I felt this euphoria that was better then any drug I've ever been on lol shhh. Seriously tho, it felt like unconditional love. I could not stop smiling for hours. Even friends commented on how wonderful I looked. At that moment I knew, I was so close to my manifestations. I've also been doing affirmations of surrendering. That was the hardest part, letting go of the resistance. Well...needless to say, it totally worked! Haven't heard from my luv in over a week (we did have some contact over the past month we've been part. Just stuff like how r u, stuff about my car that he's paying for...another story). Easter sunday I noticed him liking my FB pics and then he texted me wishing me a Happy Easter. I thought ...yay, at least he's thinking about me. Then...I did veronicas "get him to text you" which I had been doing for the past few days. So Easter sunday after he wished me a happy day, I kept it simple and wished him a good one as well. Then did some quick visualizations on receiving a text from him wanting to see me. Well...later that night...boom, I received it. He was being very vague about it though and after analyzing his words, it was clear he wanted to see me. It didn't end up working out that night because I had my kids so we kind of left it at that. Then...yesterday, still kinda confused with the convo from the night before, I decided to try another experiment with sending him a message telepathically to come see me tonight. I also did my regular morning routine of sending him love. A few hours later, boom...again! Received a text with him asking what my plans were for later in the evening. He invited me to come hang out with him at his house. I was still kinda unsure if he wanted to see me or if it was just about the $ he owed me. I pretty much asked and he said, he was inviting me to hang out! Whoa! Its totally happening!!! Anyway, I go hang out and its an awesome vibe between us. I saw him checking me out a few times too 😜. It was nice though! Felt like old times, like everything had been and is all good with us. Feels good knowing I created this love story and I'm watching it unfold now πŸ˜πŸ˜„. I'm super excited!!! We did the whole Netflix and Chill thing πŸ˜‚. It was nice. I ended up staying the night and he held me the whole entire time 😍. He left for work super early and kissed me goodbye this morning.

Now here's where I need all of you beautiful deliberate creators advice. I'm not sure what to do next or how to go about things. I don't want to be just FWB's. Do I continue with my RS and RI and Invision us in a committed relationships and him telling me everything I want to hear? I'm estactic because all my work has paid off but I also have mixed feelings because I'm not sure what he's thinking/feeling and I don't want to ask just yet. In the past, my problem was control and always wanting to know what's going on with us. This time I'm doing things different. I'm creating a new story and a new role for him. Just unsure if I should keep doing what I'm doing and know that I'll have my ideal relationship with him soon and just go with whatever is happening with us (sex) and trust that my manifestation will unfold the way it should or should I put the breaks on and say no to sex until he commits? I'm so confused. I'm just worried that if I do that it'll ruin the flow of how things are suppose to be. Maybe this is how things are supposed to unfold and I should just go with it??

Please help!!

One last thing I should mention is, I asked the universe to give me a clear sign by the end of March that my love is meant for me and would come back. Today is 3/29. If us hanging out last night and how loving he was with me isn't a clear sign then I don't know what is...

Last edited by IAMaCreator (3/29/2016 6:12 pm)


3/29/2016 3:59 pm  #2

Re: Success but where to go from here...

You're doing fantastic!! Just remember that you are in control. Whatever you choose to do IS the perfect path. Whatever happens, as long as you hold onto the vision of the end result and remain focused on your vibration everything WILL become as you wish it to be. Trust that the choices you make are all leading you to the best, most wonderful outcome. Stay in that headspace and that WILL be your experience. πŸ’œπŸ˜˜

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

3/29/2016 6:11 pm  #3

Re: Success but where to go from here...

Cherished wrote:

You're doing fantastic!! Just remember that you are in control. Whatever you choose to do IS the perfect path. Whatever happens, as long as you hold onto the vision of the end result and remain focused on your vibration everything WILL become as you wish it to be. Trust that the choices you make are all leading you to the best, most wonderful outcome. Stay in that headspace and that WILL be your experience. πŸ’œπŸ˜˜

Thank you so much! You have been the light on my path and I'm ever so grateful for you!

My end goal is for us to move into a place together. Its what we talked about before he moved out, before things got all twisted up. I visualize every day us unpacking and what every room looks like. Also, us both hanging up our stuff in our closet together. I know it WILL happen. Its exactly what happened when I manifested him back the first time. Its amazing to see how accurate the manifestations can be. Down to what they are wearing in our visions. Being a deliberate creator is awesome!!! I'm so excited for what's about to unfold!!

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