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3/07/2016 6:12 am  #11

Re: My LOA intentions vs Theirs

Ok, it's downloaded! On another note, where do people share success stories? I've only seen one. I totally get the journey is the success, but ultimately we came aboard for our romantic relationships right? Have either of you had success in that particular deparment or care to share your brief steps going from where I am now...low vibration to finding peace, acceptance and ultimately success in your heart home too?

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.

3/07/2016 6:13 am  #12

Re: My LOA intentions vs Theirs

It takes time, and when you start this journey you NEED to acknowledge where you are. And where you are is perfectly ok. 😘 I have been there before with 2 babies on my own. I understand how that feels. And what we (Vera, myself, and many many others here) have come to understand is that YES, you TRULY do create your reality. Its daunting to first try and reconcile how and why you have created drama instead of bliss. But it doesn't matter anymore. Try your very best to leave the past in the past. And simply put one foot in front of the other with gratitude and appreciation of what you DO have in your life. You only need a good nap, and some gratitude practice and the universe will give you something to reward your efforts. Remember, what you give out comes back to you twofold. Changing your thinking is a challenge yes. But it's the most rewarding journey you will ever take 🌈

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

3/07/2016 6:17 am  #13

Re: My LOA intentions vs Theirs

Yes, my guy is ridiculously in love with me. He is wholeheartedly of the belief that we are soulmates. And he is almost poetic in his love and adoration for me.. He says the PERFECT things to me each day.. almost as if I imagined it myself...... πŸ’ž

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

3/07/2016 9:30 am  #14

Re: My LOA intentions vs Theirs

So wait, this truly happened for you?OMG...I would give anything to getting back my Banana Hammoack. And get him to leave me messages calling me Stumpy or Fat girl. I miss this so much. Just now I skimmed over my emails and saw the one from the other day that hurt my heart and erased it and decided he was having a tough day. I felt silly at first like im a crazy person not getting the hint, but then I logged on here and saw your message and it made me smile all over again. Have you ever shared your story? How long did it take for you to manifest this reality? How can I right now keep my head out of the clouds throughout the day?

I plan on getting into Veronicas one on ones once i get paid again, but please pour your experince on me...I am SOOOOO APPRECIATIVE of your help?

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.
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3/08/2016 9:52 am  #15

Re: My LOA intentions vs Theirs

THANK YOU! Do you have your own particular success story?

Another update to this same story, he emailed me, short and sweet, but it was much kinder than his last message. I didn't reply I almost cried, because this means it is working...Not just because it was in regard to our daughter, but he is being kind, as I have been praying that he would be...the first steop to remember our love and admiration for each other, and it is a first step and I appreciate that. I think it was Cherish that told me because i thought the reply was negative, it became so. Well this time I had been thinking positively and it happened.

I know you can't change people, but you can influence them and i truly need a helping hand in staying postive about him coming back because my friends and family want him gone so I can get over him, but I know the potential I crazy or loney for not letting go someone who wants to go...NO, I did let him go, it's been 3 weeks and I am focusing on me and our daughter, but there are days I slip and get a bit discouraged...I am on day 4 of the 25 day challenge and I feel like i need to post everyday for encouragement, so I appreciate the tough love, but I also need the inspiration from others knowing it works wonders!

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.
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