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3/07/2016 4:08 pm  #1

Instant Manifestation!!

So I was lunching with a colleague yesterday and she begins discussing her cat. And how awful her cat is. And then she proceeds to show me photos of the decapitated rat that was laying on her kitchen floor- courtesy of her cat. I don't like to see dead things and immediately without my LOA filter I said "omg, I will totally freak out if my cat does that."

Nice one, Cherished. For advanced practitioners, you know how the story goes from here.
For beginner LOA'ers, allow me to describe to you the unfolding of the manifestation. I'm a badass creator!

I spent the entire evening literally playing cat and mouse! My cat certainly did burst through his cat door with a mouse! It was still alive, and I was able to rescue him and return him to safety.. HOWEVER.. Let the lesson be learnt.. THOUGHTS CREATE THINGS. Always 😊

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

3/07/2016 7:32 pm  #2

Re: Instant Manifestation!!

Lucky for that mouse you saved it.. I would have done aweful things to it.

I heard when cats do a catch like that, it's a gift... so...appreciate your gift Cherished..


3/07/2016 11:34 pm  #3

Re: Instant Manifestation!!

oh no... funny how much power our words have...


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