Day 1 - celebrate life
Well I fell asleep trying Lanie's techniques from PW and Make him Burn. I woke up, redoing it. My visualization with Lanie's technique involved a beach in Hawaii so once I was done that I visualized him giving me tickets to Hawaii and then posting on Instagram a selfie of us saying "We are off to Hawaii!"
Please post your Day 1 stories!
Okay so I spent most of the day with my thank you' sand I was vibrating high! A guy asked me for my number and said he would like to go for coffee with me. I wonder if my vibrations have gone up and I somehow manifested a date. Anyway, while I'm flattered I don't think this will turn into a relationship, but at the very least I got a new friend, maybe a job as he owns a company too
Going to watch the YouTube video in the eBook and write in my personal journal then heading to bed. I'll maybe give my feedback on the video on this thread tomorrow and then I'll start a new thread for day 2. Please share yourDay 1 stories here!!
Read the transcript of the strangest secret and I liked it a lot. It reminded me the importance of inspired action for all dreams. But we just have to visualize and believe. I fell asleep while watching the video last night so that's why I read the transcript. Any thoughts on it?