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2/24/2016 1:28 am  #1

I attracted back an old friend of mines

So this happened before I REALLY, TRULY knew and understood what the LOA was all about, but I had this
childhood friend that I use to be Best friends with in elementary school, and when we were little I never really liked being her friend and I would always push her out, and then we slowly grew apart. Well fast forward to today we are now college roommates after years and years of being apart and RARELY speaking. When I got older and I thought about her I kept thinking to myself " I feel bad for pushing her out" and when we became friends on Instagram she would post these pictures up and I thought she grew up really beautiful and I guess I assumed she changed, and had thoughts of us possibly being best friends again, and how I wish we would have stayed friends. On Instagram I would see her pictures and I would wish and think about how awesome it would be to be friends with the NEW her. Well I have known her since 2nd grade and we are now freshman's in college and after all these years apart we are roommates in college!!! At first it was amazing and exciting, and the weird thing is that it was totally unexpected and her mom had actually set us up to be roommates, because my old roommate had left (which is also another story and I might talk about it in another post, another time) But her mom knew I didn't have a roommate and on the day of move in day we both were surprised. my friends mom didn't even tell her so it was a suprise for everyone. I recently realized that I have attracted her back into my life! Before LOA I knew I was wishing and thinking about us being friends again,but I didnt know it would actually happen!! At the time I didn't really know the powers of the universe to do that. So I guess I would say I unconscously attracted her back into my life,but looking back at it now I remmeber wishing and thinking about it from time to time, and now we are curently roommates. I would say though be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it! I know we all on here are careful since we know exactly what we want and how we would feel about it coming about, but sometimes I feel bad when I talk to her because I feel like I may come off stand- offish and bothered, and I feel like she may think that I don't want her to bother me and I feel bad. After years apart she has changed and I just don't see us really connecting and being friends anymore. I feel like I am feeling how I use to feel when we were in elementary school about her and not wanting to be bothered by her, so I feel bad and now sometimes I wish I just had a room to myself, but I wanted a roommate so I wouldn't feel alone. I think this situation has made me more aware of what I am thinking, saying and asking for, because even though I attracted her back I just feel like we don't connect although sometimes we talk and get along but we are just different people, because I am more a reserved and quiet person and so I dont talk a lot, and I dont want it to seem like I am coming off as rude or stuck up its just I think a lot and observe alot which I am working on the thinking a lot part because it can be hard for me at times to shut my mind off and I over think, but anyways one day I was writing in my journal and she pulled out her journal too! And that made me sooo happy because I felt like we had the same interest in a way. And sometimes she can be negative which really threw me off, but there are also good things that came out of all this. I just wanted to share this with you all, cause I been thinking about writing this on here for a minute now! I put this under the "success story" category becasue I wanted us to be friends again, and it is now a reality! so I hope this helps you guys to know that Β it is possible. Once something clicked in my mind that I actually attracted her back it made me feel some relief that if I can attract her back then I definatly can attract my lover back!

Last edited by Angellynn (2/24/2016 1:37 am)

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

2/24/2016 12:58 pm  #2

Re: I attracted back an old friend of mines

Great story . And yes we do have to be careful what we ask for!

Β your mouth and thoughts can block your blessings

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