I'm so exited to post this. I want to tell everyone how i went from a mess to the most amazing time of my life.
Maybe some of you don't know me because I was absent for a couple of months but you can find here how i posted here out of desespair.
During December one person here in this forum (sorry I don't remember who but I'll search. I love youβ‘β‘β‘β‘) shared a Neville Goddard video "How to use your imagination" and it wasn't the first time I heard of him but I had nothing to do so i lisen it. Since then I was addictive to hear him daily.
Suddenly I was aware it was the first time I was happy in a long time because I KNEW everything I wanted could be mine.
And he (Neville) used a very easy way to teach:
"practical technique: The first thing you do, you must know exactly what you want in this world. When you know exactly what you want, make as life-like a representation as possible of what you would see, and what you would touch, and what you would do were you physically present and physically moving in such a state.
For example, suppose I wanted a home, but I had no money - but I still know what I want. I, without taking anything into consideration, I would make as life-like a representation of the home that I would like, with all the things in it that I would want. And then, this night, as I would go to bed, I would in a state, a drowsy, sleepy state, the state that borders upon sleep, I would imagine that I am actually in such a house, that were I to step off the bed, I would step upon the floor of that house, were I to leave this room, I would enter the room that is adjacent to my imagined room in that house. And while I am touching the furniture and feeling it to be solidly real, and while I am moving from one room to the other in my imaginary house, I would go to sound asleep in that state. And I know that in a way I could not consciously devise, I would realize my house. I have seen it work time and time again."
And it's true!! worked for me.
Resume of all I did:
-Listening neville goddard daily (it made me feel wonderful and in a couple of days I was full of faith)
-Every tnight I imagined my objective,feeling in peace and worry free.
-During the day Be HAPPY. Do anything that makes you feel better. Check this article it was very useful for that propuse:
finally I want to thanks Veronica for creating this site because I knew such amazing people β‘β‘β‘
I love everyone here
I hope you find this helpful.
Last edited by Jenny (2/15/2016 4:44 pm)
That's wonderful I am soooo happy for you
Iamthatiam wrote:
That's wonderful I am soooo happy for you
Thank you!!!
Wowwww!! Another success story!! Soon I will be posting one!
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your success!
HOLY **** THIS IS GREAT!!! Could you go into more detail about your success? AND CONGRATS!!!
TheGiver wrote:
HOLY **** THIS IS GREAT!!! Could you go into more detail about your success? AND CONGRATS!!!
Well of course what do you wanna ask me?
Strawberry wrote:
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your success!
you're welcome!!!
LoveIsGod wrote:
Wowwww!! Another success story!! Soon I will be posting one!
will be a pleasure to hear yours!!!!
Jenvy this is soo frickin awesome.. I'm glad you love and appreciate Neville's technique just as much as I do.. I frickin love the guy...