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2/14/2016 3:54 pm  #1

Contact Today

Well it happened. He's back. I'm not sure how long it'll be or where we'll go from here.

I've had several successes now so I feel like I should give some advice. 

Let that **** go. Nothing ever happens until you realize how awesome you are and let everything go. No obsessing, no visualizing over and over. The universe knows, the first time you request it. Constantly doing all this stuff to bring things back is just making it harder to let go. When did things work out for me? When I stopped focusing on what I wanted and just lived in the moment. It is so hard. Everytime I find my mind wandering, I just repeat, "I love myself", over and over. Go general. You'll either get what you want or move on to something better. Either way, you win.

Good luck guys. 😘


2/14/2016 3:57 pm  #2

Re: Contact Today

I love this. I absolutely agree πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜˜

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

2/14/2016 4:04 pm  #3

Re: Contact Today

Congrats Ayutsu!

Ok so some day I don't feel like to visualize,  and sometimes I don't even want to think about him ..can it be skipped some days?


2/14/2016 4:05 pm  #4

Re: Contact Today

I stopped visualizing all together. I really don't believe you need to keep doing it over and over.

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2/14/2016 4:08 pm  #5

Re: Contact Today

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!! Thank you!


2/14/2016 4:22 pm  #6

Re: Contact Today

Whoop whoop that's great really happy for you we will all get our wishes it's all in the divine timing


2/14/2016 4:56 pm  #7

Re: Contact Today

Congratulations! this is FANTASTIC! So happy for you!


2/14/2016 5:06 pm  #8

Re: Contact Today

It is such a great feeling for you! Sending you love and happiness


2/14/2016 5:07 pm  #9

Re: Contact Today

Awesome! this is amazing! I am soooo soo very happy for you, Happy Valentines day, and I wish you and your lover a long lasting relationship.

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

2/14/2016 5:11 pm  #10

Re: Contact Today

I'm so happy to read about another success story. Congratulations. I love hearing that and it gives me hope. I do believe you have a point in focusing on ourselves.

When I focus on my love especially today, it was bad for me. So I got out there with my happy self and did a Cupid Fun Run. I wore my single blinker that signified I am single. I spoke to people mostly women. I did meet two men. But the amazing part was there was a sale for 50% off winter running gear. I treated myself to some new things and I am happy!!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone here. I love you all and wish everyone success stories all around Spread the love.

We create our own destiny and we can do this. I love myself and all of us are amazing and beautiful inside & out.

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