hi people...happy valentines to you alll..
its been great..keeping up the spirit..visualizing...finding happiness from small things....
what i just noticed girl just left the whatsapp groups in which we were together..though she has blocked me..but now she left those groups toooo...
is that some sort of sign...and what i should do next ..and what is this meant to be..?
Don't analyze so much! Concentrate on yourself and always believe everything that's happening is to your benefit! Always remember in our relationships WE are the we know LOA ..they doesn't (hopefully )... So enjoy the day and chill...
Love you!
(even I do fall negative ,puzzled,confused, depressed at times..but feels to great to advice others,lol..even I do advice others to help ,support and advice others . You will also feel confident and positive while giving advice and support to others)
LoveIsGod wrote:
Don't analyze so much! Concentrate on yourself and always believe everything that's happening is to your benefit! Always remember in our relationships WE are the we know LOA ..they doesn't (hopefully )... So enjoy the day and chill...
Love you!
(even I do fall negative ,puzzled,confused, depressed at times..but feels to great to advice others,lol..even I do advice others to help ,support and advice others . You will also feel confident and positive while giving advice and support to others)
Yes, don't analize at all. We don't know the way to unfold our desires. This isn't our job. Let universe fix this. Just sit down, relax, put your vibes in higer level and stay there. This is all. Universe will do all things to bring her back. That she leave a group is just one more step to you. Why and how is not our concern.
Love, L