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2/12/2016 11:12 am  #1

Thread of Manifestations.

I want to tell a little story. So there was a LARGE roach crawling on my bedroom floor as this is an old house and bugs sometimes get in in the wintertime. I am scared of roaches but it was by my door and I figured if I just ignored it it would go away or leave out my door. Then I imagined what if the thing crawled in bed with me! & I just was like... NOPE NOPE NOPE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. but then I woke up and you will never guess who my new cuddle buddy was-.-. Law of attraction is real guys -.-
Anyways I thought what if we were to post all manifestations good and bad lol. I feel like for some people this will help with faith

How can I fail with an entire forum on my side?Β 

2/12/2016 11:14 am  #2

Re: Thread of Manifestations.

Horrible. What a manifestation


2/13/2016 8:35 am  #3

Re: Thread of Manifestations.

lol awww LovelyInK ....

im currently manifesting a sexier body, it's slowly working! tho strangely the fat seems to come back, i can lose so much then if i eat a big dinner next day uh-oh back to where i started eeeeekkΒ 

manifestations? daddy bought croissantsΒ 

and yes, you can still eat them and lose weight ahahaΒ 

Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere. - Albert Einstein


2/13/2016 8:35 am  #4

Re: Thread of Manifestations.

wanted to say, great idea for a thread!

Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere. - Albert Einstein


2/13/2016 9:10 am  #5

Re: Thread of Manifestations.

I'm manifesting for more money in my life and concentrating on me. The more I do that, the more my love contacts me. The minute I respond to my love and think all is great. He sends me a text that he is having a bad day:-/

I'm not sure what that all means. On a brighter note, I won $5 on a lottery ticket yesterday. I also got $100 extra that I wasn't planning on receiving. I've been trying to vibrate high and happy thoughts.

We create our own destiny and we can do this. I love myself and all of us are amazing and beautiful inside & out.

2/13/2016 11:09 am  #6

Re: Thread of Manifestations.

I recently manifested a soya milk I really wanted to drink, a small payed job from my lecturer, and some photoshoot jobs and working with two stylists! (:

"As within so without"

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