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2/07/2016 4:43 pm  #1

so i saw my guy today ... then a strange thing happened

I saw my guy today and it was a great visit .. then the strangest thing happened .. 10 min after my guy left.... a guy I dated 2 yearsΒ ago knocked on my door .haven't seen opr heard from him in 2 years!!!!!!.. eek!!!

Last edited by beautifulmesss (2/07/2016 4:44 pm)


2/07/2016 4:57 pm  #2

Re: so i saw my guy today ... then a strange thing happened

Wow that's amazing ! Your vibrations are high!!


2/07/2016 9:48 pm  #3

Re: so i saw my guy today ... then a strange thing happened

Your right I'm feeling pretty great!

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