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2/07/2016 10:03 am  #1

The first time I ever manifested a specific person

I thought I'd share you all the story of when I first used the law of attraction to get with someone specific, and it worked.

This was many many years ago. I'm 19 now, almost 20, and this began when I was a young lad at only 13. I had my first love, and I was head over heels for her. She was 1 year older than me, and we began talking. I remember how good it felt when she gave me my first kiss on the cheek, and how we would talk for hours a day after school over MSN. When I realised that I had fallen for her, I told her my feelings, which took some guts at that age. They were apparently not reciprocated, and I began to fall in to a negative mindset.

I remember specifically how needy I became, and I kept thinking over and over again "she's not talking to me", "she doesn't want to talk to me" for days, even though we were talking every day! Well, eventually, that exact thing that I ridiculously decided to believe came true. She turned on me, said some really nasty stuff, and didn't speak to me again anymore - just like that. I manifested my fears because I focused on them so much. Not long after, I discovered the movie The Secret, and realised at once that I had caused this to happen through my own thoughts. I decided to set about attracting a relationship with her.

For 6 months I toiled with my depression and made an effort to set about the intentions and beliefs that I wanted to the universe, but for all that time, I still had resistance. I was so attached to the outcome that it couldn't manifest - I was not allowing myself to be in alignment with it. One day, on the 30th of December, I just gave in. I reached a point within myself where I just decided that it no longer mattered. I was so happy and self-fulfilled that I felt as though it was enough just that I had known her, and I was legitimately grateful for that alone.Β 

Here's the killer part, the very NEXT DAY, on December 31st, I received an email that someone had added me as a friend on YouTube - it turned out to be her, on a new account she had made. I took action and posted a message to the channel wishing her a happy New Year, and she responded with a long apology message. Within 2 weeks she was my first girlfriend, and the rest was history.

Considering I did all that so many years ago, it may seem silly that I have even recently had struggles with love and relationships, but that's my fault only for not actively monitoring my mind/habits enough and practicing alignment with the Law, but no more, it's never too late to improve and make a change.

I hope that story will help and inspire some. I tried to outline some of the key points in the manifestation process as they occured - most important of all is letting go!



2/07/2016 10:27 am  #2

Re: The first time I ever manifested a specific person

You'll get him! It doesn't matter what they say. I've seen people do full 180 degree turns. I've manifested people to come back and manifested the same people to run in the opposite direction because of obsessive doubts. Always keep your power.Β 

If it helps, look at it this way. Bashar says there are in fact infinite parallel realities, and that you simply experience the version in accordance with your vibration. In a sense, if we are all infinite, and every possibility exists within us, in the now, then we do indeed all have the capacity to both be loving and hating one another simultaneously. It all depends what we are vibrationally choosing to experience from the other person - that's the part that takes practice.

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2/07/2016 10:31 am  #3

Re: The first time I ever manifested a specific person

it did inspire love is my high school crush too...and i was hers!!! i left school and years later met her and apparently we both knew than we love each other!!! tho we are not togethere now...we will soon be...
We are meant to be...and we are perfect togethere!!!

she is mine..... she is in love with me.... and i love her unconditionally!!

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