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12/14/2015 11:34 pm  #11

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

I love your wise words .. Please continue to share more


1/28/2016 6:22 am  #12

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

Cherished wrote:

Me again. I hope I don't clog this forum with too much carry on lol! I simply want for all of you to succeed in manifesting your desires- whatever they may be. I absolutely love you, wonderful, beautiful souls. How lucky are we to know each other? πŸ’œ

I want to talk about the absence of what you want. And how focussing on it NOT being here will just keep it absent in your life. I know we say it all the time here, but really think about this. LOA works 24/7. For everyone. Yes? That's just how we roll! And we are SO SO lucky to be aware. It's like we have the cheat sheet or something! We are ahead of the pack! Now.. If you want to bring someone back into your life, you simply cannot focus on the lack of them. You can't be miserable.. Or even remotely dissatisfied because they aren't right next to you. You CAN'T! Hands up who here is even SLIGHTLY guilty of doing that? πŸ™‹ That's a fail! πŸ™ˆ

But it's also no biggie. Remember, in the world of LOA, you never get it wrong. And it's never, ever the end. We literally have forever to create our wildest dreams! And we can mess it up and practice and hone our skills as much as we please. I want everyone to focus on the fact that things are ALWAYS working out perfectly. If you let that be your mantra, life will charm you!

I'm delighted to see all the success on this forum. Some of us have been able to break that habit of living in a state of lack. For anyone who is familiar with Abraham's EGS, feelings of sadness and absence are a low vibe, and simply cannot bring you the guy or girl. From a low vibe, it's difficult to act "as if" because from that perspective you literally do not have access to the nice thoughts! Down there, things are irritating and difficult and not at all pleasing. BUT, if you can work your way up that scale, LOA will actually do some work for you and bring you thoughts and corresponding circumstances to automatically make you feel better. So you do a little vibrational work through focus wheels or segment intending or meditation etc, and then LOA will match you up with something cool to reward your higher vibe!

I believe it's when you arrive at hope on the EGS that things begin to truly shift. When you are hopeful, it becomes easier to imagine your amazing relationship. And then LOA gifts you a bunch of things that match your hopeful state.

When you're missing your love, you want to make this all about them. You ask why they don't call, how dare they be so cold! But you have to understand it isn't actually about them AT ALL. It's about you focusing on their absence! Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING in your physical reality right now is responding to how you feel, and the thoughts you are sending out. So if you are missing your love, you're literally telling them vibrationally to stay away from you. They could be your perfect mate, but they cannot enter into your experience! And it is purely because you are focused on their absence.

The reason people tell you to start appreciating things in your life, is because the vibration of appreciation is really high. And often it is easier to train yourself into a higher vibe through appreciation of food, weather, nature, photos, friends, the cat, you-name-it... There is less resistance sometimes in appreciating stuff around you, than there is in acting "as if" you are having a wow of a time with your love! And the result is the same- that shift in your vibration then creates you a reality that is much more pleasing!

No matter how you get there, through appreciation, meditation, or acting as if, the goal is to eliminate that sensation of absence. We can ALL improve on that! πŸ’œπŸ˜˜

I think it's always good to remember


1/28/2016 7:11 am  #13

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

Cherished wrote:

Β And often it is easier to train yourself into a higher vibe through appreciation of food, weather, nature, photos, friends, the cat, you-name-it... There is less resistance sometimes in appreciating stuff around you, than there is in acting "as if" you are having a wow of a time with your love! And the result is the same- that shift in your vibration then creates you a reality that is much more pleasing!

Cherished, you have just given me an Aha moment with what you say here. Β Getting my vibe up by appreciating things around me seems so much more authentic than acting "as if". I was having big problems acting "as if", because if, for example, you're wanting to lose a lot of weight and Β you look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I have a slim, toned, beautiful body" , then a voice in the back of my mind is still going to say "no you don't". Well that's what I was finding anyway. Whereas appreciating things around me made me feel so much happier, and raised my vibration without making me feel I was lying to myself.Β 

Last edited by Salome (1/28/2016 7:12 am)


1/28/2016 6:59 pm  #14

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

You are so lovely Cherished! What really got to me was what you had said at the beginning of your post, that WE are SO SO very luky because we do have like the secret formula and are much more aware and ahead of everyone else since we know, practice, and adapt the principles of LOA into our lives! I have to say this honestly before I started to become more confident of myslef and loving myself for who I am I would always compare myself to my ex's girlfriend, and after some soul- searching and realization I KNOW my worth and I dont feel like a competition with her anymore. It also makes my journey in getting my lover back much more satisfying and relief, because I know the LOA and I can create a world with me and my lover being together in a new and healthy relationship. Not only that but I know the secret to life almost using the LOA and I don't EVER feel a need to compare myself to her or anyone ever! Because I know my worth and I am too special and worthy of love. Thank you for your powerful and wise words they really help and mean a lot, keep up the good work! I love all of you and I am sooo blessed to be apart of this forum, I am apart of other forums and they are absolutely amazing too! But I really feel connected at home with this site, I feel like we are all friends and family. But anyways... I just wanted to say thank you for saying that, because i told my mom yesterday how lucky we are to know about the LOA and be aware of it, it really does give us a head start from the rest!

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

1/29/2016 12:12 am  #15

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm coming from a place of lack and after reading this, I can now pinpoint those times that I was and the times that I'm coming from a place of abundance.Β 

Thank yoooou.

What we think, we create. What we feel, we attract. What we imagine, we become.Β 
xo GabbyΒ 

1/29/2016 12:50 am  #16

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

I need to read this over and over


1/29/2016 1:56 pm  #17

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

this is really amazing cherished, thank you for your wisdom


1/29/2016 1:59 pm  #18

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

Cherished wrote:

Allgood wrote:

This is hilarious!! I swear to you all I was about 5minutes from messaging Cherished and actually saying" how dare my love not contact me when I want"

Yes it was a mad moment of weakness prob due to ear infection ( that's my excuse lol)  but booom here's the perfect post from Cherished.

Wow what a Fantastic Monday I'm having .

Love you all xxx ( for the ladies)
High five to the guys

Lol, we are aaaaaaallllll connected 😜

I encourage you all to go to the "Come Manifesting" thread and perform the Einstein Wands Experiment. TRULY. This is not me plugging my own thread lol! You actually get to experience immediately, the energy that you are either using for positive or negative manifesting. You can use the experiment to practice what sending "love" energy feels like, and the way it spreads out into the universe! And conversely, how your negative thoughts will close you down, basically blocking your energy altogether. It will help you to think twice before entertaining thoughts like "how dare she not contact me!" Instead you will be sending her such fabulous vibes that she'll be positively stalking you! πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ

I would love to read that post your are mentioning, where can we find that?


1/30/2016 5:11 am  #19

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

Hello Everyone! the post that she is referring to in come manifesting about the Einstein Wands Experiment is here on this page,
Furthermore I was also curious about how the setting of the wands looked like so I youtubed it, here is a link to what it should work like,

To Cherished, I want to say that heck no! you are not clogging anything, honestly wish I could speak with you on the phone, to pick your brain about all these amazing positive vibes that you constantly send to us. I'm for one am so grateful to your presence on this forum, and I believe we all love your advises and guidance, as we are mostly novice at this, but thats just for now.
That said I tried the wand thing, MAN that thing is just amazing, I was at a low vibration from the get go, so it spun and ended right there crossing one another. Once I deliberately started being grateful and appreciating things small and big things (to me), the wand on my left hand spun out wide. Then I started thinking about my nephews and niece who love me and in-laws who are always showing their support and love for no reason, the right hand spun out wide....This was in a matter of minutes. So I too encourage all to try this, and know that we are energy. AGAIN Thank you, to everyone!


~/****Only State of Being Matters!****/~

1/30/2016 5:35 am  #20

Re: Absence makes the heart.... MORE ABSENT!! 😜

H&M wrote:

Hello Everyone! the post that she is referring to in come manifesting about the Einstein Wands Experiment is here on this page,
Furthermore I was also curious about how the setting of the wands looked like so I youtubed it, here is a link to what it should work like,

To Cherished, I want to say that heck no! you are not clogging anything, honestly wish I could speak with you on the phone, to pick your brain about all these amazing positive vibes that you constantly send to us. I'm for one am so grateful to your presence on this forum, and I believe we all love your advises and guidance, as we are mostly novice at this, but thats just for now.
That said I tried the wand thing, MAN that thing is just amazing, I was at a low vibration from the get go, so it spun and ended right there crossing one another. Once I deliberately started being grateful and appreciating things small and big things (to me), the wand on my left hand spun out wide. Then I started thinking about my nephews and niece who love me and in-laws who are always showing their support and love for no reason, the right hand spun out wide....This was in a matter of minutes. So I too encourage all to try this, and know that we are energy. AGAIN Thank you, to everyone!


Omg you seriously made my night!!!!!! I SO LOVE YOU! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’œ Thank you for trying this one.. It made an enormous impact on my thinking! I was wanting someone to try it, so I don't sound so much like Alice in Wonderland all by myself here! The fact that you can visually see the direct effects from your negative and positive thoughts are ASTONISHING, aren't they?!  It has made me focus 100% more on which thoughts I am choosing to send out. Aaahhhhhh, H&M, thank you. MWAH!! 😘

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 
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