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1/27/2016 3:05 pm  #1


Hello everyone..
As I have told you all yesterday that I don't follow practicing LOA strictly,but still quite a few things are happening as soon as i'm are some examples:-
1. Yesterday I msgd my cousin sister and today at 11:30 pm or so I was thinking why she dint even reply ,then at 12 am or so when I checked my phone I saw 3 missed calls ,among which 2 were from my cousin sister!
2. Today at 11 pm or so I was just thinking why my love isn't coming here for a long time(he stays in some other state,and its been 10 months he last came, we had met then)! And then BOOM! I got news from my friend that he met my love and that he has come here!
These are few examples!
I don't know why after getting to know that he has come I am tensed! Exactly what I am afraid of! I don't know! I am just shivering out of fear ,stress and tension since then!
I trust in LOA, but I don't know why when it is coming about my love the manifestation are not taking place fast.. I know I am being impatient! But guyz its been almost 3 years! Though I got to know about LOA a month back or so!
And I am a bit disappointed too, that after coming here he dint contact me. What to do guyz? Please help me.. VERONICA please guide me through!

Last edited by LoveIsGod (1/27/2016 3:08 pm)


1/27/2016 4:23 pm  #2

Re: manifestation!

You sound like and LOA master to me.. good job!


1/27/2016 7:24 pm  #3

Re: manifestation!

LoveIsGod wrote:

Β Today at 11 pm or so I was just thinking why my love isn't coming here for a long time.

I don't know why after getting to know that he has come I am tensed! Exactly what I am afraid of! I don't know! I am just shivering out of fear ,stress and tension since then!
I trust in LOA, but I don't know why when it is coming about my love the manifestation are not taking place fast.. I know I am being impatient! But guyz its been almost 3 years!

I think there are a lot of clues here, just from your above words, that you need to look into. You see, although you are very much wanting to manifest your love back into your life, your focus is actually on lack (feeling tensed,wondering why your love isn't coming for a long time, shivering from fear, etc) - and this lack is what you are manifesting for yourself instead.Β 

I think you need to relax and remind yourself that, in the short time you have been using the loa, you have seen some really good manifestations already! Now, if you can manifest those things with such ease, then of course you can manifest a new, wonderful relationship with your guy. But try to adopt the same frame of mind that you had with the successful manifestation. Don't stress about when it's going to happen and just let the universe bring it to you whenever it's ready. In the meanwhile get busy with enjoying life! Do things that feel great and keep that good vibration up! Detaching in this way and concentrating on things that you really enjoy will help magnetize your guy to you in just the same way that you have magnetized other things to you with such success! Β 


2/10/2016 8:45 am  #4

Re: manifestation!

Great advice Salome!!! I'm in somewhat the same situation. After reading your post I've realized where I am going wrong. I am new to LOA. Still trying to grasp a way to zap out the negative thoughts. I am aware when its happening and try to change the thought into something positive.

The secret to all success is keeping yourself happy.

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