Absolutely one for all - all for one !!! Thank you too much !!!
Bumping as requested ππ
wow... this is very interesting.... great thread... very inspiring
Amazing story! I really look up to your ability to just believe whole heartedly and am currently aiming to be like you! I guess only then will I truly be able to attract what I want in life thanks for the inspiration
Cherished wrote:
So. A few months ago when I began to really focus on attracting my guy, I met another guy who was rather gorgeous. Let's call him Exhibit A! He was very handsome, had a great job and was extremely charismatic. I said to the universe "yes, he's great! Bring me more of this stuff, how cool to rendezvous with gorgeous men throughout my day!!" Anyway, he found me on FB and friend requested me. Of course I said yes! Obviously my heart belongs to someone else, but who doesn't like some lovely attention from an adorable boy?!
First point I'd like to make.. Be careful what you wish for lol!
A few weeks later, my colleague randomly asked me to meet at a cafe really far out of my way. I never go there. Guess who was there? Exhibit A. Not only was he there, he was very engaging and quite taken with me. I was attending a work meeting, and later when I checked my phone he had messaged me. He thought I was beautiful. I just sent back a thumbs up and responded "shhhhh, I'm in a meeting." He sent me 5 more messages. Uh oh, he's hooked! I ignored him. I actually became really annoyed and very turned off, he said he desperately wanted to see me. I let him talk to himself on messenger for days and days. I eventually told him no, I wasn't interested so please stop messaging. He spent the next month texting me on and off. At first he was upset and disappeared for a while. Then he reappeared. He was very open and confident in the fact that he wants me badly. He totally ignored my rejection, over and over! But now he wasn't upset. Instead, kept sending me lovely, happy texts lol.
Anyway, last week we saw each other again at a function. And what I find interesting is that I'm no longer annoyed with him. For a while there he was a complete turn-off, but I feel differently now. I actually have warmed to the guy again. I don't want to be with him, but he's managed to basically behave like a a happy stalker, and now I actually must admit I quite enjoy hearing from him!
So from an LOA perspective, let's look at what's going on. I totally said to the universe bring me more of that! It was DEFINITELY delivered. The very same guy is completely infatuated with me! Good news for all of us trying to attract a specific person! I'm pretty sure if I asked him to give me his leg, he would saw it off and hand it to me right away π I mean, he is BESSOTTED with me. And look at my energy. Am I obsessed in trying to attract him? NO! I simply commanded the universe to bring me more of that! When I knew very little about the power of commanding the universe!! And I let it go, confident I would meet similar guys to him in the future. And I got HIM! In spades!
My question.. How do we best emulate this kind of energy, this total indifference I suppose?' Because I didn't for one second worry or doubt or yearn for him, and he is obsessed with me! What can we learn from this, in trying to attract a specific person?
From his perspective- he saw me, I was ITV, he was ITV= attraction. Universe drew us together. His energy was off, he was wanting and needy and annoying= I rejected him. He's gone away, decided to get happy again, and is probably doing RS on me without realising at all (imagining scenarios with us etc..) Which would explain why now I am feeling much warmer towards him.
What are your thoughts?! ππ
your description of that guy reminds me my guy few years back, at the beginning I didnt want him what so ever, i told him many times i want to be only friend and he tried hard for a year before i finally said yes to us as a couple and i didnt do anything for his obsession i was confident not wanting him being selfcentered busy with my life
so now i m getting back to my center my knowing that he is crazy about me and i dont have to worry, try anything as its how it is, he was always crazily in love with me, obsessing with me, asking me if i love him, am happy with him, etc. then at some point it went wrong and we exchanged the roles but i know and feel that soon we have it the other way round again, i am centered confident loving myself my life and he is obsessive and doing anything possible to just be with me
there is no obstacle in a way, there was only obstacle - me - i forgot about my power and his obsession
you reminded me and i keep reminding myself every few weeks when there is some little negative slip to some insecure woman who i used to be
Cherished wrote:
And something else. I've been thinking back to every one of my relationships.. Something always happened and I would create a drama and push them away.. And then I'd try desperately to get them back and they would run. It was all to do with having NO self love, no belief in myself. I was always so needy of love, always felt like there was never enough. Until I discovered that I have all the love I could ever need and SO MUCH MORE right here inside of myself. That's the real game changer.
There have been a few pretty major relationships in my life, spanning from my first childhood romance.. And EVERY ONE OF THEM has come back to me, begging to try again. Not right away. Some took years. Because I hadn't yet mastered the art of self love and living unconditionally. I didn't realise I created my own victim stories until exactly a year ago actually!!
I thought it was worth pondering the fact that ALL of my guys have reached out to me suddenly within the last few days!! AND all of them without exception have expressed they would absolutely drop to their knees and beg me to marry them today if they thought they had a sliver of a chance! They ALL told me how enormously proud they are that I have become an incredibly beautiful woman with the most enormous heart they'd ever known. They each actually said something very similar to each other! . And I say this not as a smart-ass, and I completely do not have tickets on myself. it is genuinely true.
What has changed? I know my worth. I know I have an enormous heart. I am true to my words, true to my spirit and I am more and more in alignment every day. I live in bliss and I give my love freely and openly. And people feel that. Each of my guys has told me that I am the love of his life, the one that he will always regret letting go. I used to smirk at that and think "ha, one day you'll regret this so bad you'll be MISERABLE without me!" But that's a terrible energy lol! Now I am truly grateful that they each see me as I am.
Why am I suddenly the woman of their dreams, and why are they each realising it now? Because NOW I am in alignment with who I really am. NOW I am happy. NOW I am love. And I know HOW to love. And I need nothing in return. It gives me the greatest joy to bestow love upon people, with freedom from needing reciprocity. They all came back. All of them. And they are "in love with me" because I'm probably one of very few people they have ever met who has mastered the fine art of alignment. Lets use our experiences together to get everyone else here up to speed. I want all of us in alignment, living the life of our dreams! Let's do this, beautiful people πππ
Yes Β Imagine if everyone on this forum was in allignment Β Β Count me in!!
Cherished wrote:
This is exactly what I'm practicing, and it works beautifully! What I have found though, is when my guy does reach out, it doesn't work pretending to be nonchalant.. Sooooo.. I act as though he's totally smitten, with that inner smile all day long, and he IS totally smitten.. Then as long as he's playing nice I give him my unconditional love and affection. I give it freely, not really caring if he responds or not. Interestingly, if I try to pull back and lose that "I love you and I have an endless supply of unconditional love for you" vibe, he also pulls back. There are lots of subtle differences in our energy at play here, and I'm determined to nail the perfect recipe! Keep your thoughts coming, I think we are really onto something here as well xxxxx
THIS SOUNDS JUST LIKE ME AND MY GUY .. seems Β the more emotional and loving I am the more he comes around when I act like I don't care he disappears .. when u find the recipe let me know
beautifulmesss wrote:
Cherished wrote:
This is exactly what I'm practicing, and it works beautifully! What I have found though, is when my guy does reach out, it doesn't work pretending to be nonchalant.. Sooooo.. I act as though he's totally smitten, with that inner smile all day long, and he IS totally smitten.. Then as long as he's playing nice I give him my unconditional love and affection. I give it freely, not really caring if he responds or not. Interestingly, if I try to pull back and lose that "I love you and I have an endless supply of unconditional love for you" vibe, he also pulls back. There are lots of subtle differences in our energy at play here, and I'm determined to nail the perfect recipe! Keep your thoughts coming, I think we are really onto something here as well xxxxx
THIS SOUNDS JUST LIKE ME AND MY GUY .. seems Β the more emotional and loving I am the more he comes around when I act like I don't care he disappears .. when u find the recipe let me know
We tend to mirror the person were dealing with. I know that my love and I mirror each other and even explicitly acknowledged that in the early stages of dating!