Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum and pretty new to LOA. Here it goes. I've been hearing "J's" name more and more. It is not an uncommon name, but I had not heard it a lot. Last Tuesday when I was at work when one of my coworkers was on the phone with someone with the same name. Later on that day, I received a voice message from my recruiter who has the same name. On Wednesday, I was thinking about "J" and moments later the phone rang and it was our college alma mater calling. This past Friday, while listening to the radio I heard two of the songs that used to be my favorite songs to dance to when I went to the hang out spot at our alma mater (I don't recall if I ever seen him there. It's been a number of years). Up to yesterday, I had just been following Veronica's videos. I started the 25 Day Challenge yesterday. I am feeling positive about reconnecting with J, but I will be honest negative thoughts try to creep in. I really think it is my anxiety in general and the negative thoughts tend to try to appear when I am feeling anxious about my job. J and I are still connected on social media.
I absolutely love this man. I don't know if I have ever felt this connected to someone. It feels right.
Sending you all love and light. We can do this!!!
Seeing his name seems like a good sign of alignment. Negative thoughts are fine and natural to have, as long as you don't give them any importance or try to fight them. If you fight resistance you'll get more resistance, go figure. Focus on feeling good for yourself and accepting that you two are in th relationship you want to be in and things will start to manifest.
Thank you Stacylouuu91x! Sorry for the delay.