I had been casually dating this guy for a few months. Last weekend he asked me to come over to talk... Well turns out he "didn't want a relationship" and "I deserved more" and "we need to stop this before it ends in unnecessary heartbreak" I felt crushed at first but tried to pull myself together. Funnily enough, he asked before I left "wouldn't it suck if I had a change of heart?" So I let it go and felt really good about it. I visualized 1-2 times a day and also used Lanie's technique once a day. On Tuesday he wished me a happy birthday, which is weird because I never told him my birthday and we aren't friends on facebook. I said thank you!! He didn't reply but i didn't get too discouraged. Well last night he texted me AGAIN and said how was your birthday? He wanted to know what I did, how it was, etc, etc. Plus he passed a test for the military which means he doesn't have to move. He said I get to stay here We talked for a good 5-10 minutes before I cut it short. I'm so excited and curious to see what happens!!
Happy for you You did what 90 % of girls wouldn't do in your situation and you got results that 90% of them wouldn't get!
Happy for you! Seems like its shifting. Keep up the PW and Visualization techniques and watch what happens
You are going good!
What is the pw? Can someone explain it?
Thanks everyone! He contacted me once Friday, once Saturday and twice Sunday! This is crazy. I even ignored him a few times and he kept reaching out.
@Jovana it is a technique by Lanie Stevens. Her books are on Amazon. The names are kind of off-putting but the techniques seem to work!!