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1/27/2017 10:17 am  #1

contacted me TWICE!!

I had been casually dating this guy for a few months. Last weekend he asked me to come over to talk... Well turns out he "didn't want a relationship" and "I deserved more" and "we need to stop this before it ends in unnecessary heartbreak" I felt crushed at first but tried to pull myself together. Funnily enough, he asked before I left "wouldn't it suck if I had a change of heart?" So I let it go and felt really good about it. I visualized 1-2 times a day and also used Lanie's technique once a day. On Tuesday he wished me a happy birthday, which is weird because I never told him my birthday and we aren't friends on facebook. I said thank you!! He didn't reply but i didn't get too discouraged. Well last night he texted me AGAIN and said how was your birthday? He wanted to know what I did, how it was, etc, etc. Plus he passed a test for the military which means he doesn't have to move. He said I get to stay here We talked for a good 5-10 minutes before I cut it short. I'm so excited and curious to see what happens!! 


1/27/2017 11:47 am  #2

Re: contacted me TWICE!!

Happy for you You did what 90 % of girls wouldn't do in your situation and you got results that 90% of them wouldn't get!


1/27/2017 3:53 pm  #3

Re: contacted me TWICE!!

Happy for you! Seems like its shifting. Keep up the PW and Visualization techniques and watch what happens


1/27/2017 4:36 pm  #4

Re: contacted me TWICE!!

You are going good!
What is the pw? Can someone explain it?


1/31/2017 4:11 pm  #5

Re: contacted me TWICE!!

Thanks everyone! He contacted me once Friday, once Saturday and twice Sunday! This is crazy. I even ignored him a few times and he kept reaching out. 

@Jovana it is a technique by Lanie Stevens. Her books are on Amazon. The names are kind of off-putting but the techniques seem to work!! 

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