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12/20/2016 11:25 am  #1

Circumstances don't matter!

I just want to share with you a success story.
It happened a year ago, when I started watching Veronica's videos.
It is not ex-related.
In that time, I wanted to attract new friendships.
In order to get into the feeling I remembered times with a former best friend of me I lost contact with.
I made screenshots of posts she posted on my fb- wall a few years ago.
I visualised us meeting up. I did not do it in order to attract HER but just to get into the feeling of having a best friend.
At school I heard her talking to a class mate that she celebrates her birthday- with her close friends only. She invited her.
I do not know why, but I felt a little hurt that she did not invite me. There is no reason for her to invite me, we hardly talked and were not friends anymore.But I made the decision to NOT let that drain me. I stayed happy and did not bother about it.
And one day later, I looked at my phone and was part of the whatsapp-group "Laura's Birthday"
That was totally crazy. She invited me even though only her Closest friends were invited.
That was sooooo cool!Β 
It happened because I decided to not let the circumstances bring me down. Because they do not matter.

It just came to my mind and I wanted to share this with you.
So that you do not get frustrated or angry when something happens that discourages you Β 

She believed she could, so she did.

12/20/2016 11:27 am  #2

Re: Circumstances don't matter!

Β I want to add that ever since that we got close together again. We are not best friends but we meet regularly.Β 

She believed she could, so she did.
     Thread Starter

12/20/2016 1:18 pm  #3

Re: Circumstances don't matter!

Thanks for sharing.  That made me smile


12/20/2016 2:46 pm  #4

Re: Circumstances don't matter!

Thanks for sharing

We recieve exactly what we expect to recieve. - John Holland.Β Β 

12/20/2016 4:56 pm  #5

Re: Circumstances don't matter!

Needed the reminder, "circumstances do not matter!" ☺️

Definitely needed it today-Thanks!! And awesome story!

"I am receiving now. I am receiving all good things in my life NOW."

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