I just wanted to type this quick message because it popped into my head before bed.
Some of the things that people may not be aware of when trying to maintain a high vibe throught out the day or increase their vibe to begin with might be in the food you are eating.
If you are feeling sad, worried, anxious, depressed, angry, it could be a vitamin B deficiency. I keep liquid vitamin B on hand and take a shot if I am feeling low and cant "snap outta it"
Omega 3 also combats this
Natural sunlight as much as possible, in the winter I have a salt crystal lamp to mimick sunlight in the house ($12 from Walmart)
Take a bath or long shower- many studies have shown moving water rapidly increases manifestation. I make sure to go sit by a stream, lake, bay, ocean, etc a few times a week and it is super recharging
Drink plenty of water! Dehydration drains you and can make you sad or worried, its your bodies way of saying "I need water now!"
Try and stay away from high starch, high sugar, high carbs when feeling low. I keep a food journal and noticed even when I felt great I could swing the other way after eating certain foods. I have a list of danger foods that put me into a funk after carefully monitoring this
Multiple studies show alcohol lowers your vibration. Even though you start off feeling good and on a high, within 3 hrs automatically it lowers your vibe dramatically. If you are visualizing with alcohol in your system it is the same as not doing it at all or repelling your manifestation. Trust me, I dont like this either
Thats all I can think of for now off the top of my head. Just wanted to share info that isn't talked about a lot
Last edited by DreamCatcher (7/08/2016 11:34 pm)
I like the "food-mood" journal idea.
What I noticed related to food is that meat lowers your vibration. I'm a vegetarian for nearly 4 years now and I feel much better than before.
I was a veggie for 14 years and it did me no favours, i'm a strong advocate of what works for one person isn't necessarily for the good of another.
By keeping your food journal, you'll see what works for you.
I'm much healthier eating meat and find with my health condition meat is best.
Great points on the shower or bath. I will try this next time i'm in one of my moods.
Thank you
wolf wrote:
Sanshi wrote:
I like the "food-mood" journal idea.
What I noticed related to food is that meat lowers your vibration. I'm a vegetarian for nearly 4 years now and I feel much better than before.That's interesting.
Do you think it could have to do with what we believe about food?
I'm not vegetarian myself, though.
I like to think that if I believe certain food is good for me OR doesn't affect me,
then it really has no way of doing anything else but what I expect from it.
What do you think?
I don't think I had any beliefs about meat. I did it because of ethical reasons, so I didn't even thought about the health aspect.