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4/07/2016 11:20 pm  #1

My ex came back unexpectedly

Hi all! First and foremost thank you to all the beloved members here who have helped me through in one way or another, especially Cherished!

My girl and I parted a month ago. 3 days after we broke up she got into a new relationship (or companionship) and we stopped contacting. I was blocked everywhere including SMS, phone calls, whatsapp, facebook, instagram and whatsoever. She also told me she was moving on and we are done for.

For the past 2 weeks, I visited every forum possible including this and scouted for means and ways for making her come back. I tried to visualize, write gratitude journal etc but I wasnt feeling good enough. Through a bogus account on instagram I was able to see what she posted and each posts comes sweeter than the other. After awhile I told myself to just fck it and move on, and that there was really no point anymore.Β 

Few days ago out of the blue she messaged me telling me that she missed me and that she couldnt let go of us despite how hard she tried to. She also told me she ended things off with the guy. We are not rushing back into things or whatsoever now, just talking etc. However she is still in contact with the guy as she said they ended on good terms and are still friends and they are even going on a music festival run together. Other than that, everything seems to be going fine for me. I am happy but at the same time I feel jealous and confused. Why did she come back and still want the best of both world? How should I be reacting now?


4/07/2016 11:39 pm  #2

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

Keep your fck it attitude going. I promise it is what got her to you and it will be what continues to attract her back to you. Β 

Thoughts become things.

4/07/2016 11:48 pm  #3

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

Craigd88 wrote:

Keep your fck it attitude going. I promise it is what got her to you and it will be what continues to attract her back to you. Β 

You think so? I was doing fine until she came back and disrupted my moving on and Im back to being jealous me again.

So I should just let her come to me and not initiate any contact?

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4/08/2016 12:13 am  #4

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

Elm88... just keep on giving it a ****..πŸ˜‚
And just keep calm..stay composed..
And come on.....why jealous....???! We are the masters of our situations... aren't we??? We are LOA practitioners...!! We can change everything in our favour..!
Just don't focus on the fact that your girl is still in contact with her somewhat boyfriend still now!
Just believe that they are not in contact... just believe your girl doesn't want to keep contact with him... and you can also visualize hearing your girl say that she is not going to that music concert!


4/08/2016 12:53 am  #5

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

Thanks LoveIsGod. So I should not initiate any contact at all?

     Thread Starter

4/08/2016 1:00 am  #6

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

Ill tell you why it happens. Because you build this positive momentum, feeling strong and powerfully deliberate in your creating. And THEN you actually begin to create what you wanted. And the second your reality begins to shift into your desired outcome you throw yourself back into creating by default. That's why it's so important to reach for happiness with yourself. Constantly reach towards better feelings. If you put your focus back onto something that's changing, it will likely slow the progress. Remember, this is a process that takes time to change. Your love can't suddenly wake up one morning in love with you in your bed. That's what is GOING to happen, but it can't logically play out that way- that's just awkward. Trust that it's playing out perfectly, and she will continue to match the expectations you are holding. Where are your thoughts? In doubt? Worry? Or are they purely focused on an incredible outcome?

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

4/08/2016 3:35 am  #7

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

Elm88..yes don't initiate contact...but that should be ok with you..i meAn you should not fight with your desire of contacting her..take it easy...stay so much focused,so much busy,and so much happy with yourself that you get no to focus on others..! Did you ever get so confused that you should contact your so-aNd-so friend or not? No..right? Because you take It casually???? So why should you bother with this girl?
Remember "I" am the most important person..and no one else... here we all are trying to get back our man/lady because again the person "I" feel happy with them, the person "I" love them.... so stay busy with yourself.. not others!

And Cherished is an advanced practitioner.. she has give her valued suggestions..follow them..


4/08/2016 6:51 am  #8

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

LoveIsGod wrote:

Elm88..yes don't initiate contact...but that should be ok with you..i meAn you should not fight with your desire of contacting her..take it easy...stay so much focused,so much busy,and so much happy with yourself that you get no to focus on others..! Did you ever get so confused that you should contact your so-aNd-so friend or not? No..right? Because you take It casually???? So why should you bother with this girl?
Remember "I" am the most important person..and no one else... here we all are trying to get back our man/lady because again the person "I" feel happy with them, the person "I" love them.... so stay busy with yourself.. not others!

And Cherished is an advanced practitioner.. she has give her valued suggestions..follow them..

Thank you LoveIsGod. I guess when it comes to ourseleves we do not really know what to do and we still need 0ther people to guide us, even though we already know what to do if we were to have to advice other people.

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4/08/2016 6:52 am  #9

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

Cherished wrote:

Ill tell you why it happens. Because you build this positive momentum, feeling strong and powerfully deliberate in your creating. And THEN you actually begin to create what you wanted. And the second your reality begins to shift into your desired outcome you throw yourself back into creating by default. That's why it's so important to reach for happiness with yourself. Constantly reach towards better feelings. If you put your focus back onto something that's changing, it will likely slow the progress. Remember, this is a process that takes time to change. Your love can't suddenly wake up one morning in love with you in your bed. That's what is GOING to happen, but it can't logically play out that way- that's just awkward. Trust that it's playing out perfectly, and she will continue to match the expectations you are holding. Where are your thoughts? In doubt? Worry? Or are they purely focused on an incredible outcome?


Thanks Cherished. Probelm is I dont know what i did to attract her back now that I want to continue doing it but i have no idea what i did at all. :/

     Thread Starter

4/08/2016 7:46 am  #10

Re: My ex came back unexpectedly

I think at this point you may be having to utilize some pyschology methods as well as loa. Keep you're attitude of being detached but playfully curious/amused at what has happened but also understand that your mystery is what is also alluring to her. I would keep building up yourself, go do activities, go out with friends, do the things you would be doing if you were newly single, except I wouldn't kiss anyone else, but no harm in flirting. Let her do most of the work, that's what adds to your value, if you start initiating contact, she will automatically presume you're needy and want her badly again, the best thing to do is to initiate maybe for every 3 times she does, so you won't totally look uninterested either. As for your jealousy, I really encourage meditating! Then you can start to really dig deep about how yo feel and allow yourself to feel it so it's ok but also get over it on time for you to come into the situation of talking with her from a good footing. Jealousy is not attractive after a break up, definitely not, but very understandable. You may actually need a bit more time before you talk to her, going snails paced slow seems to be the best decision for you. Β 

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

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