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3/10/2016 8:15 pm  #1

Self reflection..[long post]

This could be a long post, so the tl;dr (too long; didn't read) is at the bottom. Also, sorry if I posted this in the wrong sub-forum. 

Back Story

I dated a guy I've nicknamed CP during January 2014. We were seeing one another for about a month before he ended things (1 week before Valentines day, 2 weeks before my birthday). Prior to this, we texted non-stop and saw one another frequently. CP was the first guy I 'dated' since ending my 6 year, borderline emotional abusive relationship. CP and I met via a dating website.

When he ended things, I was a HOT MESS. I cried for weeks, went out with other guys but told them shortly after I wasn't interested, and was tempted to want to reach out to him. But I didn't. I would still see him active on the dating site, and man did that kill. Why wasn't I good enough? Who else is he talking to? Is she prettier than me.. 

It wasn't until I stumbled upon LOA that I realized my anxiety and paranoia (who else is he talking to, how many girls has he been with..) is what drove him away. 

The why

Even after dating many, MANY guys from January 2014-to now, I still want CP back in my life. He is the only guy I have ever felt a connection with-- the one where you don't have to speak to enjoy one another's presence. CP would say things about himself that I too enjoyed, had similarity to, etc., without even telling him/him knowing. I've written a list of my 'dream guy', and CP checks every. single. box.The other guys that I dated -- when it didn't work out with them, my mind always wandered back to CP. 

I've been told that I didn't know CP well enough to be so attached, that he has flaws I don't know. How can I like a guy I've only known for a month?

I stopped listening to all of that a while ago. 


I have been actively using LOA to attract CP back since December 2015. I used to visualize every night, read over a written visualization 2x a day, and write in a gratitude journal everyday. I also attempted meditation.These are techniques that Elizabeth Daniels suggested in her book. I have since stopped pretty much all since it began to feel like a chore, but have once again picked up visualization now that it was suggested I do it right before I fall asleep (and have found success with that). 

Finding this forum has been a godsend. I can say what I am feeling without having backlash or being called crazy. I enjoy reading the posts from everyone; I'm a sponge with all of this information. I am reading Veronica's books, and have bought the Lanie Steven's PW too. 

I truly enjoy coming to this site. However, the more I read, the more doubtful I get. I feel like if I'm not doing it this way.. (because this member found success), then I will never have success. I've also come to the conclusion that there has to be some sort of underlying doubt regarding CP. The Universe tries to find the path of least resistance, so why hasn't CP come yet? 

I have had small manifestations and am seeing signs: I see his surname everywhere; I've been seeing 11 often, and more recently the town in which he works has been popping up too. I have enjoyed this time by myself - I am doing things that I enjoy doing and am pretty much blocking out everyone's bullsh*t. I am MUCH happier now than I was 2 years ago. I am also older, more mature and less naive about the world. 

If I completely rid myself of doubt, I feel like he will manifest into my reality much sooner. So, I am asking for as much advice, feedback, etc. that I can get. Please don't hold back -- I want to get to the bottom of this. 

tl;dr: I believe I have some nagging doubt and would like to rid of it completely. Techniques, feedback, etc. is all welcome and appreciated (:

"Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, if you just believe" -
Believe, Josh Groban
its hard to have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday


3/10/2016 8:23 pm  #2

Re: Self reflection..[long post]

Your story is somewhat similar to mine, in regards to the short time period. When it comes to feelings/desires/emotions just know that a short period of time doesn't matter. My grandmom and grandfather got engaged after three dates. If you feel that desire there, it's there for a reason and don't be ashamed of it.

As for your doubts regarding the process, just know that your reality is what you say it is. Same goes for everyone else. Once you realize that you'll stop comparing your journey to others. What works and what doesn't is entirely up to you, so just always keep that in mind and stop comparing what's worked for them to your situation.


3/10/2016 8:54 pm  #3

Re: Self reflection..[long post]

TheGiver wrote:

If you feel that desire there, it's there for a reason and don't be ashamed of it.

This is something that I'm actually quite proud of myself for. I've tuned everyone out that said I shouldn't be so attached and what not. He's on my mind for a reason, and I'm not letting that reason go. I truly believe that he is the one for me.

Comparing myself to others is naturally a flaw of mine. i've always wondered and worried about what others thought of me. This is something that I definitely need to work on, thank you!

"Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, if you just believe" -
Believe, Josh Groban
its hard to have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday

     Thread Starter

3/10/2016 9:09 pm  #4

Re: Self reflection..[long post]

Go you! Maybe don't even talk about it to others?

I'm writing a post on here in the next few days with a couple things I've learned about comparing myself to others. Look out for it--I think it might help.


3/10/2016 9:11 pm  #5

Re: Self reflection..[long post]

Thank you, I will! I do enjoy reading everything. 

"Believe in what you feel inside, and give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, if you just believe" -
Believe, Josh Groban
its hard to have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday

     Thread Starter

3/10/2016 10:58 pm  #6

Re: Self reflection..[long post]

You will have your success! There is no " right " way to do this so try not to compare your journey to someone else's. Each of us have to figure out what tool, technique, thought process, belief will remove resistance and increase our vibration. I prefer scripting and visualizing but I see others have had success with RS and vision boards. Whatever works for you! That's great the universe is showing you signs. Keep focusing on your happiness and live in positive expectation. ☺️


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