Law of Attraction Discussion » my advice to all of you » 4/13/2017 3:11 am |
Sanshi wrote:
Okay, I wrote a long response and now it's gone and that's probably better.
Just one thing: I always follow my resonance and what I wrote resonates with me, so it's my truth. I just wanted to give people the possibility to choose what feels better to them.
I really would like to comment the "higher level" thing, but I decided to choose feeling good instead of being right.
And Neville was just a human being like everyone here. He had doubts, he had reality in his face. He couldn't do any vibrational magic jumps. It's never a good idea to look at other people, because you don't know their thoughts and feelings. And It's always easier to tell other people how they should do it than to do it oneself.
I would like to read your opinion about higher level. But anyway, let's focus only on LOA. At the end this is LOA forum. And LOA teach us to belive in what we want to be true.
Law of Attraction Discussion » my advice to all of you » 4/12/2017 3:38 pm |
Everbody have right that belive in what he or she want. So if you don't belive, this is your choose and it is prfectly fine. i don't belive anything if i don't experience on my on. Soo i wrote what i learned from my teachers and what i experienced when i test theirs theory.
Proof about past life exist as they exist for astral projection and OBE. But everybody choose what they belive and that is fine and prfect. :D
Law of Attraction Discussion » my advice to all of you » 4/12/2017 3:03 pm |
Sanshi wrote:
Leli wrote:
We are creators of our life, that is true. But we create experiences, which could be createt in past life but they materialized in this life. Why? Because there is something what is called divine timing. Universe delivery you what you want when you are prepared. The timing is prfect. Before it will test you, again and again and again until, you don't show that you growth. How is this connected with ex or specific person? You can wish and do everything to get that person, but if you two are not ready or you have to get experience that will allow you to grow up and meet again, you will have this experience, before you meet him or her again.
I am with you in most of the parts you said including not focusing too much on a specific person, but I have to strongly disagree with that whole part. I don't believe in things manifesting from other life times. That would mean that we don't really have control. But we can always adjust our vibration, and just because we don't understand where something is coming from, it doesn't mean that we haven't included it in our vibration before. I also don't believe in divine timing. It's about alignment. Maybe you talk about the same thing, when you say that we have to be prepared. We have to stop resisting the thing we want and the moment we stop doing that and our vibration matches it, it comes to us. The only reason for the time gap is that our vibration isn't where it needs to be in order to manifest the thing we want instantly. There is no power outside of us that defines a point in time where the thing is allowed to pop up.
Another thing that I disagree with is that "you both have to be ready". What the other person does doesn't matter. It's about your own vibration and that's it.
Let's go step by step.
First we had a lot of past life, and in every life we had something to learn. (Yeah i know, that Abraham said, that life is not school and that everything is just fun game, but it is much m
Law of Attraction Discussion » my advice to all of you » 4/12/2017 6:29 am |
So, i am back here. I come here just to help other, as this forum help me, when i need it. So i decide that i will share here everything what i learning from my life and from job - coaching, hypnotherapy, regression therapy. law of attraction teacher, ho'oponopono teacher, presonal trainer and some other energy therapy. Yeah a lot of stuff, but i use it all, to make people better person. And this is trick. All therapy is to make you better. Even purpose of LOA is to make you better person. Remeber, you attract what you are, not what you want.
Through my personal experience and job i learned something what is relatet to get ex back...
First LOA is real and it works every time and without doubt, you can bring him or her back.
Usually people try to bring specific person back, and this is ok, but i give you little advice. Don't do that. Go over that. i know it is difficult to understand now when you have strong feelings about ex or about that specific person but i will explain why this is not good idea.
We are creators of our life, that is true. But we create experiences, which could be createt in past life but they materialized in this life. Why? Because there is something what is called divine timing. Universe delivery you what you want when you are prepared. The timing is prfect. Before it will test you, again and again and again until, you don't show that you growth. How is this connected with ex or specific person? You can wish and do everything to get that person, but if you two are not ready or you have to get experience that will allow you to grow up and meet again, you will have this experience, before you meet him or her again.
So what can you do? The first and only thing to do is to take 100% responsibility for your life. Start developing your skills, start searching yourself, found who are you. Not skin, not color, not religion or name. No. Who you really are in deep, deep part of you. What is your purpose? What can you give people and world? Why you w
Law of Attraction Discussion » When things don't go my way » 2/23/2017 6:41 am |
if your life goes in wrong way it basicly goes in right way. Second phase of LOA. After every storm there is sun. We just need to see big picture.
Law of Attraction Discussion » Hate my current job and boss!! » 2/23/2017 6:38 am |
Some days ago i write how i change everything in one of my job. I will write again. It goes from 0 - 100 in month or maybe less.
What was wrong:
- i was under control all my job time
- i had order to write down what i do and with whom
- i get bad words all the time
- my boss lay to director of company about me
- they accuse me for few things
- salary wasn't bad, but it was 30 - 40 % less that in other companys for less work
i use one of the most powerfull tool. It is gratitude. I start thinking this way. i have a boss, that mean that i get money every month, so with that money i can go and see some beutiful things, places, i can pay my bills, i can give money to my family, i can pay for more education etc... So when i write this down i found that on negative side i had my boss, on positive side i had 100+ positive things. I realized that i am blassed with my boss. i use gratitude everyday.
Few weeks later my boss send me a apologize message and ask me for advices. from that point, when i see her she always say to me that she miss me, that she need me in that job etc... Before she was my dragon, now she is my puppy. :D
Law of Attraction Discussion » What Am I Doing Wrong? » 2/23/2017 6:26 am |
People are reflection of us. Nothing more, nothing less. You attract what you are. So you have inside program that you want not so serious relationship. Change that and everything will change. Stop looking what other people do. If somebody is angry with you, you must know that you attract this person in your life. Ask yourself why?
You are doing amaizing. You just use wrong program :D
Law of Attraction Discussion » Is everything really possible » 2/23/2017 6:22 am |
Everything is possibile. Question is if you belive that you can. You must belive it and feel it inside. In deep deep part of you.
Law of Attraction Discussion » Why my situation is worst then before i start use LOA? » 2/15/2017 7:33 am |
Did you found that when you star using loa, everything goes in other side, everything goes wrong?
You start using loa for money and then you have less and less money? your ex start to blocking you or be rude? etc
Don't be sad about this, because this is good sign that you know how to use LOA.
In movie the secret you have 3 stages of LOA, but there are more stages. There are 5 stages.
So how it really goes.
1. Law of energy; energy attract same energy.
2. Law of opposite; if you want something, you first must have experience of opposite thing. If you want money you first attract events that you get less money. This experience allow you to know what really means have money. How do you know which water is cold. Only on this way that you first know what is hot water.
3. Gift of wisdom: If you know this theory you can be wise and say, ok i know that this reality is just illusion and i know that something better coming to me.
4. Imagination: Basicly on previson stages you can become more and more specific of what you want and in this stage you can use this.
5. Cycle: Everything is in cycle. Everything need time, but it will come back
So if your "reallity" goes in other way, be happy, because it goes in right way. This is first sign that everything works.
Law of Attraction Discussion » 15 months in LOA. My advice for you and your relationship » 2/14/2017 6:57 am |
I agree. I didn't mean that you must do everything like me to get something. This is my way and on this way i learned what i wrote.
If i put everything in few words.
YOU GET WHAT YOU ARE. And you are mix of information from your past life and current life. You have numerus of ways how to change this information, to become something different to attract something different.
To do this you can use affirmation, hypnosis, energy healing, meditation, visualization, scripting, superman game etc...