Do you really want the ex back?
I'm asking this question after looking back on some older relationships myself and people I am close to were in. They were horrible, some were even downright toxic.
Our beliefs were obviously being reflected back to us, those people eventually left and naturally we were devastated. We craved them, we needed their presence back in our lives. Our whole world had left us.
As time went by and the initial sting of the breakup subsided, we realised we wanted them back in our lives for the wrong reasons.
It varied from having lost them as a big part of our routine, a case our pride being bruised, how could they leave us? We were the good ones. In some cases, we just needed their validation.
They weren't worth the effort in manifesting them back. And we've all moved on to better relationships with people who put in as much effort as we do.
Before you set out on the ex back journey ask yourself, is this worth it?
While I believe it's entirely possible to change the situation for the better, is it worth the possible aggro you could put yourself through?
If you believe they are your soulmate, great. Go for it.
If you're doing it for the wrong reason, it's honestly more hassle than it's worth.
You deserve the best and in some cases, leaving a relationship behind can be the best thing for your personal growth.
This isn't meant in a way to discourage anybody, just something that came to mind and thought I'd talk about on here.