Cynthia wrote:
PrettyFlamingo wrote:
Personally I don't believe in seeing numbers meaning anything. I see 11:11 and simply think it's 11 minutes past 11. I think they can be a distraction.
Anyone care to contradict me with evidence(not anecdotal)?
I agree with you. Seeing numbers in and of itself means nothing, and I get tired of seeing people get all excited about it. These are usually the same people who are constantly looking for 'signs', however tiny, of their desire starting to manifest.
Hi Cynthia. I do believe that you can manifest numbers in your life. I've seen this myself and other people around me (that don't believe in LOA) have seen it too and say that it is strange. For instance, I focussed a lot on the number 41 because someone on the forum said that he saw that number a lot. When I saw that number on the clock, I took a printscreen of it and then sent it to him.
Now a few weeks later, the number is showing up the whole time. Each time I want to travel and I put the destination time in my GSP, the destination minutes are 41. I don't know the distance and just decide to jump in my car and go... and everytime the destination minutes are 41. I even take pictures of it and my friend says it is very strange. I also see it on the clock... When I wake up by myself, when I look at the clock after not looking at the clock for hours. When I go away from my computer and return... The number of mails in my mailbox, the number of mails in the mailbox of other people that I have to help at work, the temperature of the water in my house, when I pauze a movie the number of seconds that are remaining. I went to visit a concentration camp in belgium and 41 was all over the place. These are all "coincedences". I never want to see the number but it shows up by itself. Now, when I WANT to see the number and focus on it, I don't see it. But everytime I let it go and don't think about it, it shows up and it's really giving me shivers haha .
Maybe you are right that the numbers don't mean anything. But I'm pretty sure that you can manifest them if you focus on them long enough.