Question about scripting

Posted by Rob
5/15/2017 7:08 am

Hey guys, I have a question about scripting. 
So I will be seeing my love on 25.5 and I want it to be awesome!
When useing scripting can I actually create how the days will pass? Her behaviour towards me (everyone is you pushed out) and as abraham hicks says we attract how others treat us. the way the days will pass by?
I know I have to write it in present tense, for example "when I arrive at her home she gives me a lovingly hug and says she is happy that i am there" 
I heard that it would be easier to write it as Kind of a suggestion like "I love the idea that she gives me a lovingly hug" because the conscious mind would not dismiss it so easyly. 
Do I have to write every day The same and then re read it throughout The day? 
I would appreciate any help or suggestion how to make it more effektive. 
With kind regards 

Last edited by Rob (5/15/2017 7:21 am)


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