Personally for me, I will write my desire down and then let it go. Usually I'll watch a funny video after and then completely forget about it, and then the next day or same night it will occur. Abraham states and says in a lot if her videos that "don't you find the things you want lightly come easily" which is true. If you aren't thinking of it, Abraham says that whatever belief you have upon the subject will dissipate and your desire will become larger because you're not thinking of it and therefore aren't adding any resistances to it!! Your only job is to feel good. You'll find everything will flow into your life when you stop thinking so much on your manifestations and focusing upon your mood instead. The universe knows what you want, wants it for you just as much as you want it!! You've just got to allow. So feel good. The reason we want anything in life is due to the belief that we would be happier with it, right? So why not just be happier now! You get what you give. Happy manifesting!! You've got this!!