Indian culture is a blissed married life and family life. I would recommend all to watch regional language films to know
how to behave. We have learnt about self love, meditations, having our own power with ourself. Mixture of this with co-operation between hubby-wife for doing tasks like going banks, finances of family, property mgt etc.. is perfect blend to live hapy married life with.
As a wife, you have to do few things. As a husband, he have to do few things. It's not separate of his and yours totally. It's possible only when you are strong YOU and he is strong HIM. Having family atmosphere, local contats, cultural activities, family event managing has to be done by female. Males should manage house maintainance, managing other labours for welding doors etc..
It's truly combo of masculine energy in every part of life with feminine energy in every part of life. Then it brings HOME , not just living together as PG. We represent ourselves as a couple, do things together, support each other to brign more progress in life.
We are more stronger as a woman to take care of these feminine aspects. So is he for masculines.
WIsh you a happy married life 
Thanks & Love

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