No, only if you believe it is too late. As Neville said, There is no inevitable permanence in anything. The rest of that quote can be found in chapter 3 of The Law and the Promise a bit after Mrs JE's letter.
If you are going to go into this telling yourself all sorts of reasons why she has moved on and is with someone else and will never come back to you don't even bother because you'll be wasting your time.You've got to at the bare minimum suspend your disbelief and block out anything that is to the contrary to what your desire is. Time doesn't matter. Distance doesn't matter. Faith matters, and what you believe matters, and so do perseverance and patience..
Living in the end means that you go to the end result you want in your imagination and stay there, imagining and believing and feeling that you already have it now and thinking FROM the standpoint of having your desire now, not thinking OF it like it's somewhere out there away from you and you're hoping to have it some day.
Last edited by Cynthia (6/14/2019 4:21 pm)