My SP broke up with me over text around 4 weeks back. This is the second time he has broken up with me. We would have completed a year in August. He broke up with me saying that He just does not love me anymore and his feelings have died, that he dragged this on since some days but absolutely feels nothing for me. The first time he broke up with me he thought that we both don't have the same sexual chemistry but I knew that was false because we do. We had gotten back together in March after he broke up in Feb once and we were just happily getting back together when this pandemic lockdown started. Now he is not even in the same city, he flew to his hometown last month and said he does not plan on coming back to my city anytime soon.
I really do want him back, I believe that 2 people who were once in love will always be capable of falling in love again. To make matters worse for me, he is going to a B School next year in August 2021 to another country.
I am trying to have faith and keep the happy thoughts of him and me together in my mind. I am following Veronica's 25 day video on Youtube. If I am being honest, I am hurt that he broke up with me like this but I am also very sure that I want him back.
P.S Not contacted him since 4 weeks and I can see that he deleted my contact.
Last edited by Sel (7/19/2020 1:32 am)
I'm sorry he deleted your contact. If you want him back, try to focus on what it would feel like to be in love and also the idea of him actually wanting to apologize for the breakup and make things right 😘